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363rd infantry regiment roster

On October 27, the Division having been attached to the French Army of Belgium (Headquarters, Roulers) and there-after attached to the Seventh French Corps (Headquarters, Roulers), and there after attached to the Seventh French Corps (Headquarters, Iseghem), orders were issued at Division Headquarters moving the infantry brigades to cities west of Iseghem, and the 53rd Field Artillery Brigade behind the infantry. This detachment rejoined the Division zone about daylight September 27. The other men had been serving in hospitals in the rear and then on guard duty in the service of supplies. By runner there was communication with the Headquarters of the 182nd Infantry Brigade, which, with the 364th Infantry, was at Mont des Aillieux, the 363rd Infantry being in position on the southern slope of La Cigalerie Butte. The leading battalion of the 363rd Infancy was able to make more and more rapid progress than the leading line of the 362nd. These were re-equipped, forwarded by rail to Roulers, and thence by motor truck or on foot rejoined their regiments. Throughout the service of the 91st Division in France and Belgium, representatives of the Y.M.C.A., American Red Cross, Knights of Columbus, had been with the Division, contributing to the welfare of officers and men. 88 attached to 1st Guard Division.Foot Artillery Battery No. All of the 363rd waves and the liaison group between the 35th and 91st Divisions crossed No-mans-land thus concealed, the last elements leaving La Cigalerie Butte at 6 oclock. This hill, commanding as it did the valleys of the Aire and the Buanthe, was the scene of bitter struggles during the period of trench warfare. It was later learned that the instructions were that the French would continue until resistance was met, at which time the American troops would pass through the French and take up the advance. As proof of this we have the statement of the man of the 117th, who said that ever since coming into line his regiment had been sending out nightly patrols for the purpose of capturing prisoners in No-mans-land; that these patrols had failed; and that the unsuccessful raid of September 22, in which he was captured, had been launched to discover who lay behind the Allied wire. The Commanding General of the 58th Field Artillery Brigade was ordered to designate two regiments of 75s as accompanying batteries and supports for infantry regiments, one battalion being designated to support each regiment. The country was open and German artillery from the hill of Fort Kezel, southeast of Audenarde and across the Scheldt, shelled the entire area throughout the afternoon. To ward off these attacks, the Germans placed snipers and bomb throwers in concealment close by the guns. The French elements, 41st Division, continued in front of the 182nd Brigade, although they were to be relieved at Audenarde. 8TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY C-BTRY E 8TH FA. As the 181st Brigade had fought its way to open ground and could see the German positions near Epinonville, about 2,000 yards north, the Brigade Commander attacked, although the battalion of artillery which was ready to support him was diverted and thus did not fire. Then came the task of taking Exmorieux Farm, a strong center of resistance that was causing great trouble. During the first four days men who could walk found their way back to our or other field hospitals, but others were sheltered in German dugouts subject to shell fire and fed as well as circumstances permitted. Brigadier General J. Although the 363rd Infantry found no trenches sufficient for protection, and as, the night was warm them men preferred lying on the ground on the hill, no casualty occurred during the bombardment, as projectiles from the our own artillery passed well over the heads of the men. The train carrying the staff and Headquarters Troop and Detachment arrived at midnight on the 26th. The journey also gave many citizens, especially in the East, a better conception of the high quality of manhood the West was contributing to the United States Army. At 10 oclock advance was renewed with similar check and retreat. Opposite our front on the morning of September 26 lay (west to east) the 2nd Guard Regiment, 1st Guard Regiment, both of the 1st Guard Division, and the 157th Regiment of the 117th Division. Its officers and men displayed gallantry in action, in establishing and maintaining wire and wireless communication, equal to that displayed by units whose function was to deliver fire and shock action. [1] For more information on the history of 33rd Ohio Infantry see the following: The Civil War Archive section, 33rd Regiment Infantry, (accessed 30 August 2012). General Foltz and staff and the Headquarters Troop and Detachment entrained on June 21, and the remainder of the Division followed as rapidly as possible. 1. The only thing withheld was the exact assignment of D day and H hour; but everyone felt that this could not now be long delayed. Furthermore, bodies of German troops were actually beginning to emerge from a wood on our left flank. It appears from statements of prisoners of this division that some of its elements entered a gap and did not relieve other troops. The commanding officers, 364th Infantry, went to Chateau-Cruyshautem, to confer with the Commanding General, 12th Division. At the same time, the 53rd Field Artillery was detached and ordered to join its proper Division (28th). As the latest information of the destination of various trains had been obtained at the mouth of the Somme River on the 18th at the vicinity of Ypres, and as it was learned at Dunkerque that Headquarters of the Group of Armies in Flanders was at a small village on the Belgian coast east of Dunkerque, the Division Commander reported at that headquarters on the morning of October 19 to Major General J. M. J. de Goutte, then acting as Chief of Staff of the Group of Armies under the command of the King of the Belgians, from whom it was learned that, in a day or two, the 91st Division with 53rd Field Artillery Brigade attached would be attached to the French Army of Belgium, under Major General de Boissoudy. About 4:30 P. M. (16:30 oclock) the 122nd Field Artillery reported to the Division Commander at le Ravin de Lai Fuon, having passed the shell-torn village of Avocourt, and the road thence toward Very after repair by the engineers. The barrage lifted and rolled off through Cheppy Wood at the specified rate of 100 yards in every five minutes. During the stay in the La Ferte Bernard area, about January 1 to April 1, five hours daily were devoted to drill. Colonel Marty commanded Group C, six batteries of 75s under the 53rd Field Artillery Brigade, stationed near Desselghen, Division Headquaters; the fourth group, D, under Colonel E. St. J. Greble, consisting of the 108th Field Artillery (heavy), was also at Desselghen, under the 53rd Field Artillery Brigade. At least one thousand officers and men formerly wounded rejoined the Division during its stay in Belgium. About 18 oclock (6 P. M.) twenty-eight German bombing planes made a raid on the Division Headquarters, 58th Artillery Brigade and some engineers in the ravine between Epinonville and Very. Its trenches, and machine gun emplacements alone gave it great strength, but its principal value lay in the fact that it dominated broad stretches of rolling, open country and offered clear fields of fire down long, bare ravines. Several times thereafter the Division was called upon to furnish trained soldiers. Most of the men had not yet received blankets or winter underwear, or any change of clothing. It was to participate in this offensive that the 91st Division had been brought from the Argonne. 187th regiment ohio volunteer infantry. 350TH FIELD ARTILLERY HQ CO-BTRY C 350ST FA, 351ST FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY C-HQ BTRY OBSN BN, 1ST OBSN BN BTRY A- BTRY B 2ND TRENCH MORTAR. 23RD BOMB SQ 5TH COMPOSITE LUKE FLD- 28TH BOMB SQ NICHOLAS FLD R.I. 28TH BOMB SQ AC NICHOLS FLD P.I- 22ND BOMB SQ 119TH BOMP GP LUKE FLD T.H, 72ND BOMB SQ AC LUKE FLD T.H- 10 CADET SQ CP DICK TEXAS, 11TH CADET SQ CP DICK TEXAS- 2ND OBSERVATION SQ AC, 2ND OBSERVATION SQ AC FT MILLS P.I. THE events which led up to the Meuse-Argonne offensive must be briefly recounted, in order that the reader may appreciate the importance of the action itself, the difficulties of the terrain, and the role that the district played in the earlier part of the war. CO A SEC B WASH NIV ST LOUIS, S.A.T.C SEC B WASH UNIV ST LOUIS - S.A.T.C. 113 TH AMM TR, 1st cass-116th AMM TR, HQ, 116th AMM TR, Med Det, 117th AMM TR, wagon Co. 303rd AMM TR, Co C-305th AMM TR, 4th Motor TRK. According to the records of the Division, however, twelve men known to have been captured were returned after the armistice. 34TH CO C.A.C FT CANBY-93RD CO C.A.C FT MISSOULA, 93RD CO C.A.C REGT 30-124TH CO C.A.C FT BANKS, 124TH CO C.A.C FT ANDREWS-5TH CO C.A.C FT SHERMAN, 5TH CO C.A.C CRISTOBAL FORMERLY 16TH CO CAC-9TH CO CAC FT RANDOLPH C.Z, DETS CAC CRISTOBAL CD PF PANAMA-4TH CO CAC DELAWARE, 4TH CO CAC DELEWARE FT HANCOCK-135TH CO CAC FT TOTTEN, 135TH CO CAC FT TOTTEN-82ND CO CAC FT TOTTEN, 82ND CO CAC FT SLOCUM-128TH CO CAC FT CROCKETT, 128TH CO CAC FT SAM HOUSTON-2ND CO CAC HONOLULU, 3RD CO CAC HONOLULU-132ND CO CAC FT MATTITUCK. Foot troops of the 182nd Brigade crossed the Scheldt at Audenarde over improvised bridges constructed by the 316th Engineers. Copyright 1998 - 2023 Grayson County Virginia Heritage Foundation Inc. and New River Notes. The 37th was relieved by the 117th Division during the night of September 12-13; on the 16th the 53rd sector was taken over by the 1st Guard Division. She did not, however, reach the United States, as she sank off Fire Island Light, near New York, following an explosion, attributed at the time to a mine or a torpedo. In spite of this, airplane photographs and the statements of prisoners showed the main German defenses in this sector to be composed of four lines. Almost immediately thereafter, hostile artillery shelled Division Headquarters and the ravine occupied by the artillery and engineers. Others pushed forward and cut detours around two great tank pits that the Germans had dug in the road farther north. That is why he made Aix-la-Chapelle the capital of his Empire. October 20 the 53rd Field Artillery Brigade, which had entrained near Clermont, south of the Meuse-Argonne, arrived at the detraining point on the battlefield of Ypres. The 181st Brigade was directed to occupy Audenarde with a strong detachment, making demonstration of purpose to cross machine gun fire at all the broken bridges, and be ready to cross to support the attack of the 364th from the northeast. The trains were to be ready to advance along the Avocourt-Very road as soon as it should be captured and made possible. Colonel A. D. Cummings, joined October 20 and 21, 1918, and were then for the first time assigned to organizations of the 181st Brigade and other Division units. The 362nd Infantry was ordered to take position in Le Bouleaux Bois as Division reserve. During the night of October 11-12 units of the 181st Brigade were relieved by units of the 32nd Division, relief being completed at 9 oclock, October 12. in that sector. Our actual front, then, was held by one battalion of the 1st Guard Regiment and one of the 157th Regiment, with our extreme left opposing the extreme left of one battalion of the 2nd Guard Regiment. You pay each year by check or PayPal. During this second participation by the 181st Brigade in the Meuse-Argonne its officers and men were operating under adverse conditions. Thus at nightfall the 363rd, in contact in the neighborhood of Tronsol Farm with the 364th, was facing almost due west and was reaching out, so to speak, to the southwest for contact with the 35th Division. SIG CORPS NO ROLLS 10464-SIG CORPS NO ROLLS 11799. Snow had fallen all the day before. The Commanding General, 74th Brigade at Ivoiry, to whom the message was shown, said his Brigade had suffered fifty percent loss, and he could not make it go forward. When the attackers are held up by machine gun fire, the shooting seldom comes from directly in the foreground, but from some position on the flank which they cannot easily locate. He rests in this cathedral.. Colonel, Signal Corps,Acting, C.S.O. The 91st Division, as yet untested, but primed by the long months of training and eager to go forward, came in with the others and was placed in bivouac in the Foret de Hesse. The 91st Division would resume its attack at 6:30 oclock. 76TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-SICK IN HOSP. Twelve British destroyers met the transports on July 16 and undertook the task of convoying them into Liverpool and Glasgow. One company of the 316th Ammunition Train was left with this motor transportation on under orders to join the First American Army. It gives me great pleasure to extend to you and the officers and men of the 91st Division my compliments upon their splendid record in France. This group of trenches and the small, strongly organized woods in its vicinity constituted a position of the greatest strength. During this advance Colonel W. D. Davis, 361st Infantry, and Captain Hughes, commanding the leading battalion of the 361st, were killed by shrapnel near the village of Mooreghem on the line of observation which had been ordered occupied by the Corps Commander. Contact was reported with the 35th Division that afternoon, but the troops proved to be a combat liaison group, the main body of the 35th Division being farther south. Orders from the First Army and Fifth Army Corps forbade more than one vehicle. Very few houses could be occupied and most of the officers and men slept on the ground under shelter tents. - 5TH BOMB SQ GHQ AF, 15TH OBSERVATION SQ AC-22ND OBSERVATION SQ AC, 22ND OBSERVATION SQ AC-91ST OBSERVATION SQ AC, 91ST OBSERVATION SQ AC-99TH OBSERVATION SQ AC, 17TH PURSUIT SQ-24TH PURSUIT SQ 16TH GP AC, 24TH PURSUIT SQ 16TH GP-55TH PURSUIT SQ AC, 11TH RECRUIT SQ -38TH RCT SQ 3RD PROV REGT, 9TH AIRSHIP COMPANY -24TH AIRSHIP SV COMPANY, 24TH AIRSHIP SERVICE COMPANY -12TH BN COMPANY, 12TH BALLOON COMPANY -23TH BN COMPANY AVIATION, 23TH BALLOON COMPANY -38TH BALLOON COMPANY, 39TH BALLOON COMPANY -70TH BALLOON COMPANY, 70TH BALLOON COMPANY -11TH CONSTR CO BRICKLAYING, ASAP DET #1 WASHINGTON - FLYING CADET DET MATHER FLD, 8TH AVN INST CTR DET QMC-SCH DET AVN SEC SIG CORPS SAN DIEGO CA, SCH DET AVN SEC SIG CORPS-AVN SECT SIG CORPS ITHACA NY, US SCH OF MIL AERO PRINSTON-PILOT SCH DET MARCH FLD CA, PILOT SCH DET MARCH FLD CA- AIR MECH TNG SCH ST PAUL, DEV AVN MECH TR SCH- 3RD PHOTO SEC BOLLING FLD, 14TH PHOTO SECT-HQ STAFF AV CONCENTRATION CP, A DET A.S.S.C CAMP-DET A.S.S.E.R.C SIG C FT OMAHA, DET AVIATION DEC SIS C-FLYING CADETS BROOK FLD TEX, DET FLYING CADETS BROOK FLD TEX-U.S. ARMY AIRDOME DRYDEN TEX, U.S. AIRDOME DRYDEN TEX -CASUAL DET AIR SERV KELLY FIELD, ASS C DET KELLY FLD TEX - DET FLYING CADETS MARCH FLD CA, DET FLYING CADETS MARCH FLD CA-CAS DET REAM FLD CA, HQ R S RICHARDS FLD KANS CITY-STA COMP SELFRIDGE FLD MICH, HQ DET S CAS MT CLEMEN MICH-BALLOON REP DEP ASSC APO 712, 1ST ENGR REGT FLD STAFF HQ-CO A 1ST ENGRS, 1ST ENGR REGT CO F-HQ & SERV CO 2ND ENGRS, 2ND ENGR REGT HQ & SERV CO - CO B 2ND ENGRS, 3RD ENG REGT FIELD STAFF - CO A 3RD ENGRS, 5TH ENG REGT CO A - DETS A 5TH ENGRS REGT, 8TH ENG REGT MTD CO B - CO C 9TH ENGR MTD, 9TH ENG REGT MTD TRP A PLAT 1 - HQ 11TH ENGR RAILWAY, 13TH ENGRS MED DEPT REG HOSP - CO D 13TH ENGrS, 14TH ENGR REGT HQ 1ST BN - CO C 14TH ENGR, 16TH ENGR RY CO D -CO E 17TH ENGRS RY CAMP 1. The 361st Infantry following as reserve. This was done by withdrawing the entirely exhausted 1st Guard and 117th Divisions, and by moving to the west the 5th Guard and 45th Reserve Divisions. 859TH CO TRANS CORPS - CP ROBINSON AMER MISSION RES M.T.D.. 407TH MOTOR SUP TR HQ DET -RUSSIAN EXPED TC APO#717 CP, HQ DET TRANS CORPS AT LARGE CP-DET MED DEPT USAT CABLESHIP DELLWOOD CP. 322ND FIELD ARTILLERY REGT BTRY B-BTRY B 324TH FA REGT. The French thank her.. and the 91st Division to the Seventh French Corps. AT ELEVEN-THIRTY that night (23/12 oclock) the heavy long range guns of the army artillery opened fire on selected targets in the enemy country. From that time until the 181st Brigade rejoined the Division on October 16, at Revigny, that brigade, as will be later described, served with the 1st Division, First Corps, and the 32nd Division, Fifth Corps, and later with the 1st Division, Fifth Corps. From the Commanding General, 1st Division, was received the following letter in appreciation of the services of the 181st Infantry Brigade: HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISIONAmerican Expeditionary Forces. It ran from the middle of the Bois de Cierges southwest through Les Bouleaux Bois. The leading battalion, the 1st, alth6ugh late, was able to cross No-mans-land without serious resistance; but when the 2nd Battalion, headquarters and machine gun companies with Brigade Headquarters reached the valley of the Buanthe, the mist and smoke had risen and they were subjected to machine gun fire from the northern slope of Vauquois Hill and later to artillery fire. Her task is now accomplished. about November 25. Machine guns were placed covering the destroyed bridges, but it was not until night that the entire city of Audenarde had been patrolled. Officers and men set themselves to the task ahead of them with unbounded enthusiasm. The Coat of Arms and Distinctive Unit Insignia was originally approved for the 363d Regiment Infantry on 10 February 1927. The falling of these bridges into the canals of the Scheldt had caused a flood of the western bank of the Scheldt, so that it seemed to be impracticable to move to the Scheldt, and throw pontoon bridges until a point near Eyne, considerably down the stream northeast of Audenarde, was reached. Colonel Mudgett was wounded on September 29, and joined the regiment in the afternoon of September 30 while it was establishing the defensive line prescribed by the Corps Commander. They then moved on the Cheppy-Very road to Very. Winter underwear was issued to the 182nd Brigade and the replacements. The Germans, on the other hand, were in position on the north half of Vauquois Hill and commanded from there to clear view down the whole front of our sector. The line occupied by the Division for the night extended from just south of Epinonville, which was the eastern limit of the Division zone, around the head of the Ravin des Balonvaux (Plank Road Hollow), thence along the western slope of the ravine north of the city of Very, into the zone of the 35th Division. A great concentration of Germans was reported at Exermont. 63rd Infantry Division Campaigns during World War II. One company of infantry and one machine gun company were detailed from the 182nd Brigade as a combat liaison force between the 91st Division and the 35th Division. On their trip across the continent, the soldiers from the Far West had an excellent opportunity to acquaint themselves with the patriotic unity which ultimately was to bring about the defeat of Germany. In the autumn of 1916, Nivelle and Mangin, by their famous surprise attack, overwhelmed the new army positions, captured thousands of prisoners, and drove the Boche back to and beyond the line that he had occupied before the great offensive. So diligently did the officers of the 91st Division take care of equipping and clothing these casuals that by the time other organizations had left by train for the coast this casual battalion was ready to leave on one of the last trains. 314th AMM TR, 4th MTR-316th AMM TR, Co E . DET FIN DEPTFT WM MC KINLEY-ROTC SIGNAL CORPS. These men had been exposed to influenza and many were suffering from the disease. Both farms were to be held. Photos. The men were given complete new outfits, from steel helmets to two new pairs of hobnailed trench shoes. General McDonald personally reconnoitered the situation, and after ascertaining that the line he was supposed to hold could only be taken by advancing while the 1st Division attacked on his left and the 32nd on his right, he was then ordered by the Commanding General, 1st Division, to advance, seize and hold the line indicated, at H hour, October 9. Throughout the march of ten to twenty miles for the various units there were no buildings standing; locations of former towns were marked by sign-boards placed by the British, the English signs being very welcome to our troops. The States which gave up their best to the 91st are California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, and the Territory of Alaska. This plan saved the animals of the Division from unnecessary fatigue, and they soon improved in condition. Colonel Dellaleau, French artillery, composed of five batteries of 75s, at disposition of 182nd Infantry Brigade on the north; one of four batteries of 75s supporting the 181st Infantry Bridge on the south; Lieut. Colonel, Arthur W. Hanson; and Major, now Lieut. The attack may extend to our front; consequently, patrols should be send out in the covering zone. Commencing December 28, the last element of the 91st Division, including the 53rd Field Artillery Brigade, left Belgium January 9. P.O. There were attached also to the Division twenty-five men of the French cavalry. It contains about 400 books. The vigor with which this work was accomplished and the speed with which the trains followed up over the extemporized road, full of shell craters and mud holes, played an extremely important part in allowing the Division to continue its successful drive of the first day. It also included observation posts occupied each by one company of French infantry, one at La Cigalerie Butte, on the western edge of the 91st Division zone, and the other on the Cote le Hermont, which was within the sector later occupied by the 37th Division. The roads were full of mud and the fields of mud covered by melting snow. The regiment was unable to advance under the corps order, but suffered heavy losses because of lack of overhead shelter. A field hospital had been established in Roulers in a convent which the German officers had used as an officers club. Thus the records of the units of the 91st Division reached four different points of demobilization on the Pacific Coast. Major F. W. Manley was Division Adjutant Major F. W. Clark held the position of Assistant Chief of Staff. DET ENL MEN OFF CHIEF OF FA-ARMY SERV DET QM DET, USMA DET CAV WEST POINT-USMA DET OF ENGRS WEST POINT. Each French corps consisted of three French divisions. After relief, the brigade marched to rejoin the remainder of the Division via Dombasle (morning of October 13), Ippecourt (October 14), Lamermont Farm (October 15), Revigny (October 16). It was realized by Division Headquarters that it was impracticable to have Allied airplanes over the Division constantly. Instance Label History of the 363d Infantry, : one regiment of the 91st Division in World War II Title These things will help the reader to understand of the events which happened during the next few days.

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363rd infantry regiment roster