junior'' guzman killers

alice woods ken rex mcelroy

Harry MacLean. I would suggest youve had a very comfortable life not only financially but in your career. Or is it a numbered road?? All ten cops. If youre such a big bad ass why carry a gun and have a crew? b) They later had a child together. Sheriff Estes certainly would have had a reason to dispose of them, wouldnt he? Thanks for your reply and comments. Thought about it last night, did a internet search and here I am. They preceded him in death. Tonight I rooted for the New England Patriots to beat the Chiefs! As long as there are bullies (like this scum who was properly dealt with by his peers in broad daylight) then this story should keep being told and this comments section should be open. A guy I know used to go to school at NWMSU in Maryville, and a friend of his who was a deputy sheriff told him to stay the hell out of skidmore, because Ken Rex didnt like college kids too well. So the debris pile falls at the 2 mile point. Someday he would get even. can palm most 6 tall peoples head like a basket ball and pick them up. Is there a part of you which may sympathize with the certain aspect in his personality which suggests that, at his core, he felt inferior to land-owning farmers? I said i wouldnt. Born in 1934, Ken Rex McElroy was a resident of Skidmore, Missouri. yeah thats exactely how it happened , it wasnt planned . I do not see it that way. That County has a long history of bullies and criminals. McElroy got what was coming to him plain & simple , thats sad to say but its true . Ive lived in both large cities and small, rural towns, and without the farmers, small towns will struggle to survive. Small Large 300 dpi | 30.2 MP A mean drunk if you could not defend yourself a backpedalling coward if you could. It was sometimes difficult to distinguish myth from reality when it came to Ken Rex McElroy. Nothing will ever come to light. Well said. d) He soon became bored and moved on to another underage girl. i read that TRENA CLAIMED 2 have known who 1 of the shooters were WHO WAS IT SHE NAMED ? Ken Rex McElroy, a notoriously brutal man who had terrorized Skidmore, Mo., for years, was killed in 1981. Same title. but the town was wrong to.. i have pictures facts and 2 others that were at the old service station with me the day he was gunned down. Del did not die the way you described. unless the last living person of that oath is on their deathbed & decides to tell who the shooter was, the shooter that they all covered for. This six-episode true-crime docuseries comes from Sundance TV and premiered last August. Del, a short man with a chip on his shoulder and a hot temper, wore a cowboy hat and drank heavily. I have pictures of that mess as well. Nevertheless, they were together for 15 years, and Alice bore two sons and a daughter. Looking at Google Maps, it appears the Delta runs North/South from V, and then after the first curve, runs East/West for a bit, and then after another sharp curve, heads North/South again. A family members say so alone is definitely not persuasive. If the action against McElroy was spontaneous, wouldnt Clement expect to be held accountable for his actions? From what I have read, it appears he provided for his family and the kids loved him? They should be strung up for the way they did it. I thought Judgment Day was pretty much of a joke, but you could understand my bias. After selling his farm, he worked at Energizer in Maryville, MO, for several years. Shes still alive and well living in Helena mo. SOMETIMES I WONDER IF OL KEN IS IN HELL IHE MADE LIFE MISERABLE FOR EVERYBODY IN SKIDMORE . yeah , he looked just like fucking McElroy ,lol. damn right we were scared to death of him the man was a bully . Are there any Pics of the Aftermath.. Morgue pics of the Body? The other weapon was a .22 mag, but was it identified as a rifle as well? I remember playing with her brothers and little sister as a child. a) Ken moved out of his family home so he could be with Alice. measure .321 in diameter; bullets for the 8 mm measure .323 in diameter. I think David Baird believed that the sheriff had the files when he offered to open them to me. He did whatever he wanted, often in front of witness, and through a combination of great legal representation and intimidation, McElroy was only convicted once. Thought I would pass on that they Punkin show is no more, have not had one since 2003 and the Freedom Fest has seen its last days this year. all of us took an oath , the shooters & the other witnesss .it was surreal as to what happened . walked around the back of the old grocery, then looked at the buildings and grocery, out front. If that had happened, I doubt there would have been much of an outcry, and surely no book entitled In Broad Daylight. did ANYONE try to have a freindship with him ? I did get the side eye from someone who walked in though, when I was by the front door looking at the photos on the wall. BB, mr. maclean, i was just wondering what did the people of skidmore think about trena. I went to his gravesite a few years after he died , & took a piss on his grave, thats how much I thought of him . What McElroy would say about his portrayal in the book is another subject, and one which I would hesitate to hazard a guess on. How could someone get away with these kinds of crimes for so long?! If it were a person Im sure it would wonder what it had done to bring all this grief down on its head. Bringing in meat and dairy products from U.K. countries. err sorry my grammars for crap) what he had done might be exactly that way. The victim was simply entering a store and was accosted on his way out. Send Flowers Send Sympathy Card He was a boaster and a bully, but he carried through on just enough of his threats to scare the hell out of people. Ive only heard about this case, its 2019, and I want to know more. on the SKIDMORE TOPIS PAGE someone put a post on their something about a photograph a man had taken that morning , he was at the gas station caddy corner & saw something going down , pulled out a camera & snapped off a few shots & threw camera back in car . In the middle of the second curve on Valley Road. But I cant help but notice that this comment thread is over two years old and still running, on a 25 year old book. Way Way before 1981. And for a WHOLE town to stay silent since 1981 is astonishing..I lived in St. Louis at the time and remember all the media stories on it. As for the guy threatening you, he literally wrote like everyone else in his level of life. I remember as a kid Ken stealing grain in middle of night from our grain bin. we all talked & took a vow of silence , NO MATTER WHAT to our death bed. I will post a link once I have all the pictures posted. He and his brother owned the D & G Tavern, in front of which McElroy was parked when he died and which had recently begun closing whenever he came to town. Unless I missed something, I do not see anyone being connected with that gun, the one that shot the fatal bullet. Thanks for writing. I remember Alice and thinking she is not much older then me yet she is with this guy and Treena is having his baby, and yet she was just a child Shot a man in the stomach with a shot gun! Ive been investigating this from a crime scene point and have a couple of questions. I wouldnt be surprised if they werent reading from prepared scripts. 1st I am so drawn to this story as my grandparents are from skidmore my grandpa has past and my grandma still lives there. A World War II survivor, she continued to work. It was a crime of opportunity he was having some beers and hearing stories about Rex over the years. Just saying. I know how you feel about Skidmore. I read on your blog a granddaughter said she was happily remarried and had a nice life which is great. Ive always wondered why he wasnt killed long before he was. It has happened forever. Either on his person or in the vehicle? I chose to prove that murder is not justified, no matter the circumstances. As to Del, if I mayI understand why you may feel he was a short, hot-headed drunk. That summer1981I met my future husband, KRMs nephew, at my summer job. its to bad he died the way he did . Pushed in a CORNER people will ACT, coward or NOT. i dont know ? His problems, but who dont? Im not condoning vigilante justice, but shouldnt i have a reasonable expectation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I just ordered the new edition from Amazon and it is on the way. Do you have any sense how the town might have fared had they done the right thing? He rushed us out to the car. Yes, Ill admit its rather ghoulish, but as time moves on and the principal players pass, they become less based in reality for the reader and more like characters in a great play. Although the trip is for a weekend of bird hunting, it will be interesting to see how things how changed, and yet remained the same. We drove back home talking about other things like life and baseball. [1] Kasus pembunuhannya yang belum terselesaikan sampai sekarang menjadi perhatian internasional. This guy needs Jesus. I wont speculate as to who it was you met. I think, though I do not have any data, this is not my field but in Urban areas of high crime it is very common for people to be killed and nobody sees a thing. I was 10 years old and saw the whole thing. He always denied any role in the killing. For decades, the man held the town of Skidmore virtually hostage. Yes, Bo died before the book was published. How many rounds were fired in total? When I talked with Trena, she was no longer defending McElroy. No one recognized him, even though he stopped in several places. Nothing will ever happen because everyone hated him and the towns people would say the shooters were not there to the law anyways. Another thing I was thier the night in the bar when you were asking all the questions and I dont remember Del being hostile. Bystanders were aloud to crowd around the vehicle even after Officers arrived. Tell me what happened when Alice and the kids move in. I dont think it was planned beyond a few moments before it took place. And we did not witness the actual shooting. I was a witness , not a shooter . What are your thoughts on this? he was seriously evil. He wasent killed by a skidmore resident! A misanthrope that even treated his dogs, that he apparently loved, badly. When we went on the N.W.O. Harry, Last i heard she was in Columbia. ..why do you think those small Slowly twords I was 13 when my father myself and my two sisters. Both younger than i.. Was at the D&G Im curious why you felt No One Saw A Thing was junk. Mr. MaClean, as a writer, you should check your facts before writing such gross untruths. Let this story be told and retold and commented upon as warning to bullies and scumbags that if they want to bully people sooner or later, one way or another, they are going to get what is coming to them, one way or another. I never actually thought Del Clement and the other shooters were cowards. His brother, however, still lives in the Skimore area/. Ive read both the kindle version of your book with the epilogue, and the short update, The Story Behind I see where D. is implicated using the 30-30, and G. with the shotgun, but who had the 22? People would leave when they heard McElroy was in town. He pointed out all the untrue facts in the booksuch as that he was shortand seemed on the verge of throwing a punch, until a friend stepped in. Nothing more was saidbut obviouslythe town had already vetted me. He picked on the weak. I have no intention of taking the law in to my own hands, however I had to close my Business ELEVEN YEARS Ago, to sit here and GUARD the property. He told me when he had finished the book that he had met McElroy in Marshall MO at a cattle sale in 1979 or 80 and that Ken was selling cattle at $.50 on the dollar in the parking lot. Not that it really matters, I suppose. The authors were in and out of there in a couple of weeks. It tells in some detail the process of writing and researching the book, particularly the difficulty when the town was closed up around the killers. Please think before you write, you are talking about someone very dear to me and many others. Sounds to me like Del Clement was a hero. The bar was open, a gal named Pam owns and operates it now. Thank you. (I seem to recall he wasnt quite right) I understand one weapon used that day was an 8mm. It was at this time that he died in what appeared to be a freak accident. I dont know how I missed your book then, but so glad I have read it now. No testing of weapons was performed,as far as I am aware. Maybe his hunting area was that additional mile. Skidmores best days are behind it, sad to say, unless Cheryl Brown decides to get involved again. towns are mear gone now? thanks-nicole. My first teaching job ended up being in Skidmore. The movie people couldnt get releases from many of those involved, so they just decided to change all of the names. The justice system failed in releasing this revengeful, dangerous man back to his community. McElroy had been indicted a total of 21 times for crimes such as: child molestation, arson, cattle rustling, and stealing. A more recent movie Without Mercy is available but am always concerned about Hollywoods artistic license production option when it comes to making it more appealing (even though I did not notice it in your movie) and was wondering if you have viewed it? Several people in town said to me of the shooters: They should be given a medal for what they did and strung up for the way they did it. I found Trena in an Obituary this year. Stole what did not belong to him. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images) PURCHASE A LICENSE Standard editorial rights Custom rights How can I use this image? reno lives in langeloth pa washington county. I dont think Del knew he was actually going to shoot McElroy until an instant before he reached inside the truck and grabbed his rifle. I really have no quarrel with what happened to McELroy. I saw the new restaurant on Facebook (called Goodtime Charlies of Skidmore, Mo. 3. THAT wasnt enough for Trena & Ken,( they should had admonished their child) but oh no, they had to make a nuisance of themselves and culminating in Ken shooting an elderly man. He could never understand why the townspeople had tolerated so much before acting. Trena divorced her husband, and Ive been told lives in Columbia. if i was a true crime writer this is a story i wouldve liked to write. I already found a news item where one of his sons (Juarez) had been arrested at age 26 for knifing a man. The most well known but never verified incident involved a time supposedly in the seventies when he stretched a guy over the railroad tracks around St. Joe and watched as the train ran over him. The likelihood that a serious offer was made and accepted seems highly unlikely, given McElroys reputation and his many friends in the area. Trena, McElroys wife, even told the story that a man showed up at the McElroy farm outside Skidmore to kill McElroy for money, but that McElroy talked him out of it. To the residents of the small town, he was the town . I dont agree with murder and at the end of the day, it was murder. My uncle is Jeffery Dalsning and my mother is Lori Dalsning. Google earth doesnt recognize a Valley Rd. Del and his brother Greg also owned the only tavern in town, the D and G, for Del and Greg, and McElroy was famous for driving away customers. This is the Home County of Kenneth McDuff, you have heard of him Im sure.

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alice woods ken rex mcelroy