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entry protect driver failed to start citrix

14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = Telephone, Value = 1-800-424-8749 Transform File Name = AppProtection.mst {{articleFormattedModifiedDate}}, {{ feedbackPageLabel.toLowerCase() }} feedback, Please verify reCAPTCHA and press "Submit" button, Troubleshooting XenDesktop Service Startup Issues. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = GenericUSB.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\GenericUSB.msi (Key not present.) 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = CitrixWorkspaceBrowser, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = CitrixWorkspaceBrowser, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = True,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\mini_installer.exe, InstallOrder = 15, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-mini_installer-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:37: Information - CApp::IsDotNetInstalled(2519) - Checking if .NET Framework is present with Min Release No 528040 GOOGLE EXCLUT TOUTE GARANTIE RELATIVE AUX TRADUCTIONS, EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE D'EXACTITUDE, DE FIABILIT ET TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE DE QUALIT MARCHANDE, D'ADQUATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER ET D'ABSENCE DE CONTREFAON. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = DesktopViewer, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Workspace (DV), Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {F59A37E7-244E-4BCB-BF33-183F357F4C31}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\DesktopViewer.msi, InstallOrder = 04, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-DesktopViewer-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False I'm posting my solution here, since it might help someone in the future. [CVADHELP-19613], After launching an HDX session, when you change the foreground window to a local application window, system keys such as, When you plug in or unplug a monitor, the seamless window might be positioned incorrectly. [CVADHELP-21173], When you open a published app in seamless mode, other local or seamless apps might appear in the foreground and cover the published app. 14:52:19: Error - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(950) - Cannot get transformFileName path. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Jun2010_d3dx9_43_x86.cab, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Jun2010_d3dx9_43_x86.cab Cloud Software Group has no control over machine-translated content, which may contain errors, inaccuracies or unsuitable language. (Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb not present or cannot be accessed. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563} There was an error while submitting your feedback. Roughly every 2 weeks. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = AuthManager.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AuthManager.msi 14:57:51: Information - CApp::MessageBoxShow(269) - Message Box shown to user: Service 'Citrix Workspace Updater Service' (CWAUpdaterService) failed to start. 15:00:12: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(238) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: return value 0 CE SERVICE PEUT CONTENIR DES TRADUCTIONS FOURNIES PAR GOOGLE. 14:52:39: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(2696) - Component Install Commandline: REBOOT=ReallySuppress MSIDISABLERMRESTART=0 MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 NEED_RECEIVER=n TROLLEYINSTALL=1 ALLUSERS=1 ALLOWCEFBINARYINSTALL=1 CUSTOMERREBRANDINGENABLED=0 SHORTCUTBRANDEDNAME="Citrix Workspace" change without notice or consultation. 14:55:12: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(238) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: return value 0 14:52:37: Information - CInstallationManager::CleanObseleteMSIBeforeUpgrade(1761) - UpgradeCode= {F1A0AE61-3AE6-47D8-A089-BD4A04802CEA},Name=CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\SELFSERVICE. Error = 2, Hence searching in HKCU) 14:52:20: Information - CUtility_MetaInstaller::CtxTerminateSSONSVRProcesses(485) - Terminate the process ssonsvr.exe 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563} 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitializeResourceModule(2047) - Loaded Resource Module: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\TrolleyExpressUI_en.dll 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Interop.WUApiLib.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Interop.WUApiLib.dll 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(563) - Read ProductCode from MSI: {CD29FC30-092F-4B47-82C8-F08F36863C45} 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Receiver.ico, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Receiver.ico When you install Citrix Workspace app as a system user using certain third-party applications, incorrect error messages might appear in the installation logs. 14:52:37: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isProductInstalled(421) - Enter On Citrix Workspace app for Windows, when you add store URLs using Group Policy Object, the following error message might appear: This issue occurs if one of the stores is disabled and is not reachable. When you unplug an audio device, the wfica32.exe process might experience an access violation and exit unexpectedly. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = ReceiverInside, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Workspace Inside, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {29DD2754-8167-4771-B9F1-A65563BC28E9}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\RIInstaller.msi, InstallOrder = 01, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-RIInstaller-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False Mark this reply as best answer, if it answered your question. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_zh-CN.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\TrolleyExpressUI_zh-CN.dll 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ICA_Client. 14:52:37: Information - CApp::IsDotNetInstalled(2543) - The.NET Framework requirement satisfied 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitializeResourceModule(2035) - Resource Module Path 2: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\en\en-US\TrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll [CVADHELP-20317], Attempts to access Citrix Workspace app for Windows might fail when the VPN disconnects or reconnects [CVADHELP-20376], When you add two stores from the same StoreFront server via GPO, configuring the second store might fail intermittently. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = WinDockerInstaller.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\WinDockerInstaller.msi 14:52:37: Information - CProcess_Execution_help::CtxTerminateCOMExes(230) - process terminated with exit code= 1627 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = SELFSERVICE, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Self Service Plug-in, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {0A53DA4C-4795-43FD-AC16-0FFA2B93180B}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\SelfServicePlugin.msi, InstallOrder = 10, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-SelfServicePlugin-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\BrowserEngine. I have the same problem. [CVADHELP-19885], Citrix Workspace app might continue to send data to https://rttf.citrix.com even after Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) is disabled. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\SELFSERVICE. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {D2F83464-5687-4B49-8038-239D516FCB29}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AuthManager.msi, InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AuthManager-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(563) - Read ProductCode from MSI: {0A53DA4C-4795-43FD-AC16-0FFA2B93180B} (Key not present.) Transform File Name = SSONWrapper.mst 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} The minidump files should not contain any confidential information although they may contain pathways which may show a user name and they will also contain a list of drivers loaded at the time of the crash which will show what software is installed: Some info on what is contained in a minidump file: 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\BrowserEngine. 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadImages(657) - Image: Key = SideBarBackground, Path = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\sidebarbackground.bmp Restart the VDA machine. Upgrade your version of Internet Explorer. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = SSONWrapper.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\SSONWrapper.msi 14:52:39: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {D64F3971-283B-45E8-8D25-0DC06ED6D91E} 14:52:20: Information - CApp::InitInstance(1160) - No commandline paremeter for EmbeddedBrowser It seems in my case it might have been hardware-related. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\AppProtection. 14:52:20: Information - CInstallationManager::PreservePluginExport(409) - No Previous receiver found. The issue occurs with local default web browsers other than Internet Explorer. 14:52:37: Information - CAppProtectionDialog::OnInstallClicked(246) - User clicked Install/Next button. 14:52:19: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsAdminUpgradeOverUser(3540) - Check whether Admin upgrade is trigger over user installation. If so, I'd recommend checking for any updates and applying them or uninstalling if there are no updates. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {DF1A9B33-DD88-4712-9922-CB01B3AB1C6A} Error 1: "You might be having an issue with a Citrix virtual driver (HDX RealTime Media Engine). 14:52:30: Information - CWelcomeDialog::OnNextClicked(275) - User clicked next button The development, release and timing of any features or functionality Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} Steps taken to fix the problem: Tried killing all the Citrix Workspace processes while not connected to remote desktop (no success) Tried updating all the drivers to the latest version (no success) 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitializeResourceModule(2023) - Processing Resource Module Path: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\en\en-US 14:52:20: Information - CApp::ReadInstalledPackageVersion(2510) - No existing package. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6} 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitInstance(1065) - Send exit code to updater: 0. When launching an application or desktop session using Citrix Workspace App, the session fails to launch with the error code "Your session 'AppName' did not launch successfully due to error code 3501. [CVADHELP-19168]. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsProcessRunning(4148) - IsProcessRunning: CitrixReceiverUpdater.exe Tried killing all the Citrix Workspace processes while not connected to remote desktop (no success), Tried updating all the drivers to the latest version (no success), Windows 10 is always updated to the latest available version (no success), Citrix Workspace version:, Citrix HDX RealTime Media Engine version: 2.9.0, Windows version: Windows 10, 10.0, version 2009, build: 19043, Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC., ROG ZENITH EXTREME, CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X 16-Core Processor 8664, level: 23, Upgrade your version of Internet Explorer. [CVADHELP-21662], The Windocker.exe process might incorrectly generate outbound network requests to multiple IP addresses. When you start Citrix Workspace app for the first time after adding the store URL, the following error message appears: Your Citrix Workspace app encountered an error while initializing Microsoft Edge WebView2. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = vc_redist.x64.exe, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\vc_redist.x64.exe Restarted it. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EULA_es.rtf, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EULA_es.rtf 14:55:12: Information - CApp::MessageBoxShow(269) - Message Box shown to user: Service 'Citrix Workspace Updater Service' (CWAUpdaterService) failed to start. [CVADHELP-19987]. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = dualpk.cab, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\dualpk.cab 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_de.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\TrolleyExpressUI_de.dll 14:52:20: Information - CApp::CheckForAllComponentsInstalled(3020) - CheckForAllComponentsInstalled for Component display name=Authentication Manager GOOGLE RENUNCIA A TODAS LAS GARANTAS RELACIONADAS CON LAS TRADUCCIONES, TANTO IMPLCITAS COMO EXPLCITAS, INCLUIDAS LAS GARANTAS DE EXACTITUD, FIABILIDAD Y OTRAS GARANTAS IMPLCITAS DE COMERCIABILIDAD, IDONEIDAD PARA UN FIN EN PARTICULAR Y AUSENCIA DE INFRACCIN DE DERECHOS. (Aviso legal), Este texto foi traduzido automaticamente. The files are created even when the registry key, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Secure Access Client has DisableIconHide value. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EULA_nl.rtf, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EULA_nl.rtf This issue occurs from the Citrix Workspace app version 2210.5 onwards and from the Citrix Workspace app version 2203 CU2 onwards. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = AppProtection, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = AppProtection, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {C5A15829-7233-48A7-B34E-378A5C6D0D2C}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AppProtection.msi, InstallOrder = 13, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AppProtection-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(186) - Processing Resources: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract (269) - Message Box shown to user: Service 'Citrix . Installation of the .NET based software results in the failure of the Citrix Desktop services to start or restart. Using a Small Utility to List Services and Drivers. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ICA_Client. When the machinerestarts, verify thatthe Citrix Desktop Service startsor restarts. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = PackageInstaller.exe, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\PackageInstaller.exe [CVADHELP-21123] The Citrix Desktop Viewer (CDViewer.exe) might exit unexpectedly when the ICA file size is 4096 bytes. (Key not present.) Restart the VDA machine. [CVADHELP-21604], Attempts to access Citrix Workspace app for Windows might fail when the VPN disconnects or reconnects. This is a fresh install 14:52:32: Information - CEulaDialog::OnIAgreeClicked(457) - User checked I accept License Agreement 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitInstance(1063) - User is Admin User : 1 [CVADHELP-21258], When you disconnect and reconnect to a session that is set to full-screen mode, the toolbar location might not be retained. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(841) - Cache client version : 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(563) - Read ProductCode from MSI: {FDEE55AD-66D0-423C-8851-273FAAB5CD65} 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsReceiverAppXPackageInstalled(1317) - Enter CApp::IsReceiverAppXPackageInstalled method. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Localized_fr.xml, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Localized_fr.xml [CVADHELP-20959], With the Use relative mouse setting enabled in a user session, the left click might not work on the trackpad. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\DesktopViewer. (Aviso legal), Este artigo foi traduzido automaticamente. I'm casually using my computer. [CVADHELP-21031], When you use the Windows Aero snap feature to move a maximized window from one monitor to a larger monitor running Windows 11, the session might disappear. 14:57:51: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(213) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: Entry 14:52:37: Warning - CProcess_Execution_help::Execute_ConcentrEXE(761) - Unable to get Binary path Enroll into Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) before October 1, 2022.Click to know more To provide a unified login experience, Citrix will enforce MFA for all Citrix properties starting on October 1, 2022. 14:52:37: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isProductInstalled(440) - return value is: 0 14:52:20: Information - CApp::RequiresAdminPrivileges(3652) - The required permission for this installation is Per Machine. 14:52:34: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isProductInstalled(440) - return value is: 0 1999 - 2023 Citrix Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\WebHelper. If the browser name (BrowserName) of a published application contains multibyte characters, the application might fail to launch. 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = ProductPermission, Value = Permachine 14:56:35: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(213) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: Entry 14:52:20: Information - CApp::InitInstance(1218) - CApp::Run(): Before DualModeSelection. {{articleFormattedCreatedDate}}, Modified: Behavior on supported Citrix Workspace app versions - Protected resources enumerate and start properly. (Key not present.) Usually when starting an application while NOT being connected to remote desktop. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(841) - Cache client version : 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {D2F83464-5687-4B49-8038-239D516FCB29}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AuthManager.msi, InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AuthManager-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False

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entry protect driver failed to start citrix