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saturn mars conjunction synastry

MzI2YWI1NTgyNjgzOTUzMzU3NTczNGJkOTQyZjM3NWQ2MjkwZjU4MWYwM2M3 Whereas Saturn is reserved, strict, conservative, and cold, Mars is all fiery, risk-taking, and passionate. Posts: 392From: The future or the past. When it comes to men, the Mars conjunct Saturn aspect works to achieve their highest expression of masculinity, and this allows for sexual maturity and a sense of passion and security. To avoid complications, the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in your synastry is best comprehended when you compare the specific features of both planets. If only because life has taught you how to pace yourself and calmly navigate through hazardous moments, endurance is one of your most exemplary skills. However, the energies of the planets can also clash, depending on the nature of the planets involved . However, its also a good idea to take the time every now and again to appreciate the overall stability of your relationship. Both Saturn and Venus should be willing to make sacrifices for each other in order to get through hard times. Their physical chemistry tends to be off the roof, even when Moon is the man and Mars is the woman. Based on his own experience, Saturn steers Mars energies into the production realm. The negativity does not only come from Saturn as Mars can also be ruthless. Regardless, Saturns connection with other persons planets will always reveal invaluable information on past karmic lessons as well as future opportunities for growth. Why then do Mars-Saturn contacts appear with such frequency when a serious emotional involvement occurs, perhaps more than the Venus-Mars connection which is supposed to designate strong sexual attraction. My Dad`s Venus trines my Mom`s Saturn (5 degrees)my Mum`s venus conjuncts my Dad`s Saturn exact (she has a Venus-Mars-conjunction inVirgo), Posts: 1826From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The MultiverseRegistered: Sep 2014. Mars conjunct Saturn Sport can be great for anger management and to test the mettle, thus, building self-confidence in one's emotional and physical strength. This envy drives Saturn to do everything they can to subjugate their Mars partner at every turn. In Astrology, Mars represents sex and aggressiveness, while Saturn represents restriction, discipline, and control. It might be a good thing to keep in mind. Mars Trine Saturn With more difficult aspects, relationships may feel like running into a brick wall. Even if you dont have to deal with other people, you might be your own greatest enemy. Mars ardent desires stimulate Saturn, which provides a firm foundation for Mars ego. NzEzNDIyMTM0ZTZjZWNmOTM2NGY2YTI0Mjc3ODk2OThmZWYyMzBmNGY0NDUy In astrology, Mars symbolizes passion, determination, conflicts, aggressiveness, masculinity, carnal desires, troubles, warfare, and vitality. On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. My parents have Mars sq Saturn DW and there has been no coldness between them or problems with intimacy, as my mother says. NTU5MWU4YmRiMWU3N2Q1MTViZGFiMTMyMTM3Mjc2YWQyNjU0ZjMwMWFkMjBl Disclaimer: This website does not provide any professional, legal, or financial advice. If that is ineffective, then engaging in strenuous physical exercise will help to burn off the anger. But even though the Saturn person loves the brash, courageous, and gutsy traits of their Mars partner, they will never admit this in the open. Lilith Mars shows what a woman is attracted to in a man. . I feel like even in easy aspect this can mean that Saturn views Mars as childish and out of control, and Mars views Saturn as a big wet blanket. When the Mars side of one person creates an aspect with their partners Saturn, a special care is needed. This is due to both sides infamous reputation for being difficult and problematic. OGEyNGNhNzJjZDcwNmU3OGI2M2IxMWFjZTk2ZWQ5MTAwZmY4YjFlMDIwNTg1 Seeing this comeback, Saturn will double down on their need to repress and control their Mars partner. The Saturn person may feel that the Mars person can help them to achieve their goals. Here, you could most effectively find a way of releasing this energy positively through some sort of creative activity. Saturn's transit can have a wide range of effects. Mars is in a trine with Jupiter. Some people can handle a lot of Saturn and others just don't have that many Saturn aspects. With this method, Saturn succeeds in controlling the showy expressiveness of their Mars partner. Liz Greenes book about Saturn includes Saturn in synastry. Learning more about this aspect and its implications offers you better self-awareness and understanding of your surroundings. ZGU3ZjBhYzUyMjk1ZjZjNDk2Njg2Y2EwZTFiZmI1MDc5NTc0YjhhYTE1ZTNm on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, There is a desire to create firm foundations and to build lasting structures in this kind of connection. This is an excellent opportunity to make significant progress on a long-term project. omg and its one way I'm the mars and she's the saturn gooooddd i feel like I'm the one mostly wanting to engage intimately than her buuut we both have mars signs as in we both have mars in capricorn and both of our natals are cardinal heavy (lots of capricorn/taurus). The transit of Saturn provides you the courage, drive, and determination to tackle even the most challenging jobs and execute them on time, on budget, and to perfection. Scorpio Mars seeks to earn Saturns affection, but he can only do it by adhering to Saturns values. MjhmNmFiZjUzOGU3MmQwMzc5YzNmMWI0ZTEwZGFjYzQ3ZjAxOWVlZTNiMjIy As a result, Saturn should allow Mars the opportunity to develop a sense of self-worth. Square As a result, both parties attempt to construct a future based on Saturns customs. In astrology, an aspect is an angle that two planets make to each other in the sky. This learning from each other is also a two-way street as Saturn too has a lot to learn from Mars. Either way, sex is likely to be intense and somewhat aggressive . This alignment signifies that each people are serious-minded and disciplined. ZDY3NDk0MmU0ZDg4OTc5ODU1ZTY0ZGQ2ZDQ3YWMyY2IzZTE1YzQwOTcxNzY4 her saturn falls in the 3rd house and my mars falls in 3rd house as well.could this mean clash on communication? But wanting to take care of every responsibility in a rush may cause you to feel irritated and exhausted, and evenhave your attention moved from your true intentions. Despite Marss tumultuous nature, they love the predictability and stability that comes from being in a relationship with a Saturn person. If both individuals are considerate of each other, and are growth-oriented, the relationship can be a great learning experience. Much will depend, however, on the condition of Mars and Saturn natally. Self-discipline, patience, and tenacity can all lead to pleasant outcomes. As a remedy, you can try to communicate your feelings more openly and maintain a level of co-operation to allow the energy to flow back to the relationship. A good tip to bear in mind is slowing down, being more patient and organizing yourself when it comes to various tasks. Due to inexperience or laziness, taking the easy way out might result in dissatisfaction and challenging situations. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. YTIwMDJhMjMyN2NjNjIxNDkxMDIxNGI2OWIyOTcxN2JlYmY4NjM4MDUwN2Nk There is just something about the Mars-person that the Saturn person doesn't like - the way they move, the way they make love, the way they breathe. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Two celestial bodies are in conjunct when they are very close to each other, often in the same zodiac sign. With trine, Saturn loses some of its rigidness which helps Sun person to express themselves more openly. First, however, you must release your anger from your body. Mars is in the middle of a square. Mars is also regarded as a healer that reveals to us our courage, desires, will, and sensuality. Harmonious Saturn aspects are commonly found in the foundations of long term relationships, marriages and soul contracts. In synastry Saturns fears may mean they bring a partner down through criticism and by creating worry and anxiety. Inevitably, Mars will lash out in anger at Saturn. What about his? Mars shows what a woman is attracted to in a man. Before acting, a Mars person must be less impatient, while a Saturn person must be less analytical and calculated. On the other hand, Saturns demands appear unreasonable to the Mars partner, who questions Saturns wisdom source. Predictability and dependability are virtues that can sometimes be overshadowed by more glamorous features of relationships, and it is normal for these qualities to be undervalued from time to time. In the 1930s the American Richard Svehla became official advocate of "Hamburg School" and created the term "Uranian Astrology" for the US in 1936. NGI1OWRmMDgxYjlhYTVhMDdkMzI5OWZlMDU5MjY2Zjg0ZDY3NDY0MWE4Mjk5 Unfulfilled wishes are the source of disappointment. When both of you are working together there is a strong, constructive and powerful energy. Because I have a powerfull mars . Nothing is ever "good enough" for Saturn. Sparks usually fly when they meet, and they might experience a shared animalistic urge to tear each other's clothes off. With Saturn, after a relationship is very established, I actually look mainly at the composite placements. They could disregard their partners feelings and mock their calculating and introvert manner. Mars is fiery and impulsive, while Saturn is practical and disciplined. Did you have sexual compatibility aspects? YjQwYzY1MDBiOGFlNTYxN2I5MjYyMTNlNTBkM2NmYzQzMTJjNThjN2EwMjFh Cancer Chiron This is because the energy Saturn brings in love often feels limiting and restrictive. Youll be able to shuffle along without being sidetracked or frustrated, thanks to your patience and self-discipline. ZWEyYmVlNTdjZWM0M2NkYWFkNzZkYWZlYTE0M2I0ZGEyZjVmZWZkNWU0MjJj Eros This is a highly charged and potentially explosive aspect between two very different planets. It has the power to arouse your darkest fantasies or provide you with the stamina and patience to achieve the most difficult tasks. MjE2ZGIzOTc4MjNiYWU2MzBjMjZiYmZkNzU0ZjYzNzRjMzYyNjE1ZDJhMjE5 It's a very steamy dynamic. MGY5NmU3MDI4ZTc1ZWY4MGNiZDAzNGRiYThjMTgxN2U5OTZiYTk4NjNkMTZj If the two parties care about each other, and are not afraid of growth, then the relationship can be a really good experience to learn from. Saturn Dont know the positions of your planets? I read somewhere that aphrodite conj saturn in natal could indicate karmic debt for past misbehaviours and potentially looks could suffer.. (In Detail). However, much of the time, Mars takes comfort in the knowledge that Saturns passions are really quite constant. Current & Upcoming Transits Astrological Event Calendar Neptune The key to understanding this conjunction is to remember that Saturn always imposes limits on Mars. ZTliMjFkYmJhZWI1YjVmNDI3YTk3ZjdlOGI4NGFiNGVlNjdjZTVhNTEzY2Zh This means that there are two significantly different sides to a relationship. The Meaning of Mars Square Saturn Synastry. Mars/Saturn is generally a good aspect in marital synastries, regardless the aspect, a DW even better. Expect solid relationships with authoritative people such as parents, teachers, cops, bosses, and support. Moonlight conjunct Mars within the synastry is a child maker element. In addition, Mars could delight in saying provoking things so as to incite their Saturn partner to react. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Patience and perseverance will get you there. Saturn perceives Mars as over-confident and frivolous, gets annoyed at the drop of a hat, and lets Mars know, either with direct criticism or a general air of disapproval. Within the Mars conjunct Saturn natal chart,you may expect some of the more difficult nature of this bond to be manifested. My parents have a DW conjunction of Mars and Saturn (pretty unafflicted). In astrology, the Mars conjunct Lilith synastry is an aspect that indicates a strong physical and sexual attraction. Saturn may appear to to be distancing and freezing up in Mars presence and it can ignite Martian rage. Neptune conjunct Venus synastry is a powerful aspect that can create an intense connection between two individuals. MzZiNzYwYmY1YzkwY2VjZDg2ZmRkNzYxNDI2NjVlYjFiNzVlMjdmZjg4NWY0 MjA2MTY2MWJhZmYzYjQyNmNjYzIzZmQzYTczMzYwN2RmYTZkMThlYTZkOGFh Other individuals are the source of your frustration. Stephen Arroyo says that many Saturn inter-aspects in relationships can feel very under the thumb, but they are extremely common in marriage comparisons and seem to symbolize deep involvement, and something which can grow through love and responsibility. These planets are considered the bad guys in traditional astrology. The Mars person could hate the reserved and cold nature of their Saturn partner. There can be an immediate physical attraction, but it may not be love at first sight. Saturn Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars, Another excellent aspect for long term relationships is. List Of Angel Numbers, Angel Numbers Guide. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. And if Mars is not careful, this controlling and sabotaging behavior of Saturn could have a devastating effect on them. You can be incredibly successful and accomplish a lot if you learn to harness your energy productively and balance your persistence with the capacity to be adaptable amid changing times. There is also a strong sense of responsibility and diligence . NWYxYWI3ODExMGFkMGFiMWFmMzRkNWMyN2ZlMzk1MWU0YzVjNzZjODdjYjcz At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. Mars Conjunct Saturn In Synastry, Relationships When the Mars side of one person creates an aspect with their partner's Saturn, a special care is needed. The more determined you achieve your objectives, the more opposition you encounter. In addition, their respective energies provide a huge contrast that is hard to mesh easily. Energies flow easier with Saturn trine or sextile Mars, where Saturn acts an anchor to Marss impulsive nature. And in this article, we will look at the synastry involving the two most notorious planets in astrology: Saturn and Mars. When this desire is not curtailed and channeled properly, it can make the Saturn person envious of their partner. Slowly but surely, you may feel a surge of inspiration to be more productive, and this can be great if youre thinking of starting a new business or giving up on aspects of your life that do not align with your purpose. More often than not, opposite and square aspects between Venus and Saturn represent karmic soul contracts. You genuinely want to know what youre made of, which frequently means that life will treat you like a hammered and smoothed metal sheet. You may find that you want the same things, are on the same page and agree on which direction to go in. Pisces Risk-taking and bursts of energy will exacerbate any issues. I'm curiouswhat does Saturn do in your chart? He would overspend, be very sexually aggressive, and just downright irritating. Increased sex appeal and sex drive are positive indicators for new and existing partnerships. The two planets may not be the most suitable in terms of characteristics, and there may indeed be a case of negative underlying qualities to their bond. OTRmZGM1MGZhNmRmZDgwZjc5NTRiZGQ1ODQzOTIzNDM1OGZhMzcwMDI3NWM3 In many aspects this relationship may feel too burdening to continue. The attraction here is strong, but it can also be a bit like playing with fire. However, when looked at more carefully, these planets actually compliment each other almost perfectly. This can be a very stabilizing influence, helping to create lasting bonds between people . A Saturn conjunct Mars synastry can still work as long as both partners opt to be honest in their dealings with each other. Venus As previously stated, it may be difficult for you to express your outrage at first. A conjunction implies that both Mars and Saturns powers are mixed, so their characters mix and form a new character, even though this will depend on the planets characteristics in relation to your specific goals. You can confidently use blades and other sharp objects on wood, stone, and iron. Both of you are bound to get angry and defensive with one another, and when one says go the other says no. One partner may be dominant while the other is submissive, or there may be an exchange of power between the two. Saturn person feels inspired to build strong foundations with the Sun and help them feel safe and secure. Others may try to harm your reputation or career with malice. The eventual explosion of this cycle will lead to a situation where verbal abuse is commonplace. I find the aspect of Mars/Saturn in synastry to be very interesting. Astrology has many uses and techniques; one of the most popular uses is synastry, which is the term to describe how two charts interact with each other. Mars Mars feels like he or she is always in the wrong in Saturns eyes. To the Saturn person, Sun is a drama queen, whereas the Sun often gets fed up with Saturns gloominess. YjM5YjNiNjU1YWFiNzEyMTY5ZWU3Yzc4ZDk3MDEzODJlM2QxYjI0ODBkOWY0 Whereas the characteristics of Mars are expressedcompletely, naturally, and even enthusiastically. Saturn opposition and square Mars are hard aspects that can go from exciting to annoying really fast. . ZmYyMWM0OTFiMzg1YjkxYTlkYWI3ZDM0MTE1ZTYxYmU4NjgwZGY1ZTVkZjU3 A Saturn conjunct Saturn synastry is when two folks's Saturn planets are in alignmment with one another. These difficulties have proved frustrating at times as if youre driving with the brakes on. Sun person is the element of joy and vitality that softens Saturns seriousness. (my Mars Saturn conjunction well aspecting his Saturn) IP: Logged. New relationships are possible, but they will most likely take time to develop. A flourishing relationship between both partners can evolve as long as they are considerate of each other. Mars Trine Saturn Synastry Though, we must face the stereotype of athletes, soldiers, and those involved in any physical activity being angrier than anybody else. When Mars in one persons chart forms an aspect to their partners Saturn, special handling is required. Mars Conjunct Saturn, Natal Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit Either way, sex is likely to be intense and somewhat aggressive . Ceres I think this sounds great because a lot of people really fear Saturn, and don't realize that he has a good side, too. Saturn is a controlling force in the relationship for a Mars person, yet they respect Saturns knowledge and sense of decency. They may be attracted to the Mars persons strength, confidence, and ambition. MDFmZWYwOGQ2MWFiNGIwNDBlZmViYWFiOWU3ODBhMDg5YjZkMGQyNDBjM2Nm Instead of embarking on new initiatives or pursuing your objectives, it is preferable to focus on preserving what you already have. Well, this makes you very saturnian as a partner and it also means you need a saturnian partner. One person may be viewed as immature and selfish while the other is too serious and critical all the time. It is not the ideal time to go to war because there is a risk involved in taking chances. YTE1YzNlZmE0YWE5OTFhZmU4YjQyZjMxOTE4ZGJkNzc2YWJhOTc1OGRkMWZl My Venus is also trine his sun and my mars is trine his ascendant. Moreover, Mars and Saturn are both very ambitious planets. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Although romance may give way to practicalities at first, the long-term picture is positive. Synastry: Mars-Saturn Aspects THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES Search Astrology Book Reviews Resources & Links Love Astrology: Love Secrets Love Sign Compatibility The Astrology of 2023 The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. This is a feature of accomplishments. ZTdkMmNiZDEyOGQ4NzFlNmVhYmYwNzNiNWFiZTM4ZjIwNDRiYThmMWQ2MDNh This combination creates intense frustration, and Mars can find Saturn a very exciting challenge. two-headed-she Knowflake . Without these factors, its difficult to sustain a relationship. The qualities of the sign that Saturn occupies points to expressions that do not come naturally to Saturn. This aspect can indicate a soulmate, marriage or a long term commitment. We have my Venus opposite his Pluto (I have it natally and he's born within the same year) and his Venus is quintile my Pluto as I mentioned above. Not that that's always a bad thing, but I don't enjoy sex if I'm having it too much, and he would want to have it every day. YmI5MDBkZTM3OWYyZGM1NDkyYjA5MDg0ODJiZDBjODBjMGI4NzEwNzFmYzc1 The darker side of Saturn that can include instances of understanding limitations and learning harsh lessonscan also influence your desires, but this does not necessarily indicate a negative aspect. Just like our natal Saturn represents where we need to put our sustained effort in order to reach the next level of personal growth, in synastry aspects it symbolizes how we build our foundations, values, commitments and responsibilities in a relationship. Mars Quincunx Saturn Synastry, Mars Inconjunction Saturn Synastry Mars is all about action, passion, and impulse, while Saturn is about discipline, control, and stability. Lilith at 16 degrees Capricorn, close to BF's Saturn/Mars conjunction in Virgo at 19 degrees (his 8th house). The hard contacts however (the conjunction, opposition, and square) can be intensely scrutinous and disapporoving, so much so that the relationship may not even get past the starting gate. That is, when two peoples Saturn and Mars signs are in conjunction, it can create a strong physical and sexual attraction. Sexually speaking re: my current relationship, my drive is probably slightly higher than his, and I am left wanting to jump his bones more often than I actually end up jumping his bones. MDE1MWIzNjNhMWNmYWEzZjEzZGYwYWRjMGM2NzFkODAyYzk0NDdjNjgxMjA5 Moreover, there can be some difficulties in this placement as Saturns restrictive energy can inhibit Mars natural desire for freedom and independence. In these cases, issues such as relationship blockages, past life karma and emotional immaturity may be indicated. It depends on how each person expresses their Saturn/Mars, but if you've both got it, there's a balance there, where there wouldn't be otherwise. AstroMatrix Tarot combines a variety of different style tarot decks but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. This is also an excellent mode of transportation for studying and teaching practical courses, endurance sports, and demanding adventures. With this aspect, it seems that no matter what the Mars person does, the Saturn person is bothered. ZTFiYzg4OTg1NDkzNGQ0YTI5YjUzNWU0ZjNhZDYxMzUwNTRkYTgwYzM3NWFl OTllNWM1ODU5MTc4YTRiNGQ2NWM0Iiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiNTFjMDBjNzM3 Youll figure out how to complete the task in the most efficient manner possible. You will have to be careful when communicating, attempting to make more plans, and take more time to do things, which will make you be sure of yourselves together and that youre working on maintaining the relationship. This mix of energies can be as distinctive and intricate as our individual personalities. It has the power to arouse your darkest fantasies or provide you with the stamina and patience to achieve the most difficult tasks. Due to these perceived and real obstacles, you try very hard and tend to force things more than they should be, but this can be remedied if you remember to make sure to focus on what you truly want and can achieve. NGE4ZjAzYWY3YTFhODRjMWNjMDRkODljMjBkNGMxN2Q0NTE2MDllYjA1YTQ2 Mars-Saturn conjunction in a synastry chart means that the two planets are united harmoniously and working together. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries Mars can depend on Saturn. When youre feeling confident, you can hold yourself accountable for everything you do, committing various tasks and challenging yourself and your capabilities. The anchor, the source, and the idea of continuity are all represented by Saturn. Saturn conjunct / opposite Moon aspect in a relationship feels serious and powerful right from the beginning. Saturn conjunct Mars has so much potential for growth if Saturn can tolerate Mars impulsiveness and in return, Mars tones down its aggressive nature. NThlMjJkMzM5ZGUzZTcwMmNhN2I3NWZhNTFlZWU3MWI0YTE5ZTZlMTllNTUx Stable physical features, muscle, and bone structure will interest you when dating. This is a perfect moment to begin legal processes, a vast business, foundation work, or a siege. This transit has the potential to make you furious, resentful, or revengeful at first. Saturn in conjunction to another person's Uranus is an explosive aspect to share in synastry. Saturn feels fiercely protective and responsible over Moon, which may turn into jealousy at times. When these two planets come together in synastry, the results can be both magical and challenging . The North Node represents our destiny and karma, so . But if you can learn to work with this energy, it can also lead to a deep and lasting passion between you and your partner ! But I could live with that , atleast it last like 7 years . ), but in other ways he's a total loose cannon. Using your birth date,time and location you can access the detailed reports and features, easy to use menu layout great for beginners as well as advanced students of astrology. This should make both partners be appreciative of how their relationship is. Which I don't like. When it comes to the Mars conjunct Saturn in women, you may feel a lot of access to your static feminine and dynamic feminine attributes, and feel that youre losing touch with your musculine self. But, on the other hand, you have a high capacity for endurance, concentration, hard effort, and tenacity. They are completely opposite energies in some ways, so when combined in synastry, it produces a . When two people's Saturn and Lilith form a conjunction in synastry, it indicates a connection of great karmic significance. The two people will have a strong physical connection and sexual intimacy. Gemini They will be able to offer support and encouragement, and they may also be able to push each other to reach their full potential . For a man, his Mars is part of his masculine nature, so it is best when his partner also relates well with this element. In natal or synastry? The key karmic lesson for both is to work towards consistent and mutual understanding. But thats because youre learning how to store and distribute your energy correctly. Buy now for $34.95 With free Zodiac Dice and Velvet Bag, mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. If the point is not safely expressed, it can lead to frustration and rage. When someone's Venus conjuncts another's Saturn there will be an extremely heavy, karmic feel to the encounter. However, if both partners are willing to work on it, this can be a very rewarding relationship . Posts: 246From: New YorkRegistered: Jun 2014, Just be happy Saturn is on your side - could be a Saturn sq Mars afterall, Posts: 8804From: Venus cornering NeptuneRegistered: Mar 2014. The Saturn conjunct Lilith aspect in synastry is a very powerful and intense connection. Saturn is a harsh critic and a harsher teacher. Sagittarius Not considering of coarse ALL the other aspects that would be in the chart too. However these relationships often involve powerful sexual attractions. Those with Mars-Saturn contacts in synastry may have the most difficult of all the relationship aspects to deal with. Sextile Was he? The relationship can be built on a solid ground. I always felt very Saturn-ish around him. It's a good aspect for long-term sexuality. This is not the time to fight or acquire new territory. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiNzIwM2UxMDQ1NDJiZWUxMWU5MDY4MDk5NTJhMTdmZWQw Cancer Even so, all hope is not lost for this pairing. On the positive side, Saturn also represents stability, loyalty, reliance, responsibility, and organization.

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saturn mars conjunction synastry