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sephardic surnames puerto rico

Be what you are. records. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. We are a family that the majority believe in God and would be proud to call ourselves Jewish, being that we are his chosen people. Hi Nancy, You are also shown on my FTDNA FF, as a 3rd cousin. Do you know what your Jimenez name was prior to the change? So much so, that now a days Christians dont even know they have Jewish traditions within their family due to these dark times. Hello. So is Dr Allegria claiming that Europeans were on the island prior to Columbus discovery and the Spanish settlement (400 years prior) or did I miss something? The names have been provided by the author. The second influx came in the 1950s, when thousands of Cuban Jews (most of Eastern-European descent) fled after Fidel Castro came to power. According to script Epstein was a fiercely proud Puerto Rican Jew. Liebman. I am from Utuado and I used to live in Judea. Recently my husband announced to us as a family, that it was time to leave. Her original first name was Sarah. I don't know what to do. I automatically gained an admiration and respect for them, felt so strongly about it. However, many migrated to mountainous parts of the island, far from the central power of San Juan, and continued to self-identify as Jews and practice Crypto-Judaism.[1][2][3]. My mother's maternal grand father was from Mayorca & she was born & raised in Utuado (born in 1942) her father's name was Perez. My mom would call me "mi nino de chuda" (as yehuda)with 'the chet' sound she would kiss the door right were the mezuzah should be and as I started asking I was told that our family (great aunt)was jewish but although it was great it took so much to hide it that I should not 'rock the boat'. I am going to post the youtube link in my yahoo group forum :) I think you will find a lot of oousins there. Here is a list of common Sephardic Jewish last names. There are many hundreds of other names in the glossary that I am LDS. . And I say this because many people dedicate their lives to studying the Sephardic Jews, their customs, language, travel routes, and ways of life. The certificate of origin of your surname is only one of the requirements, you must provide more documents to justify your link with Sephardic descendants, plus overcome some tests, as indicated by the Ministry. I'm in USA now.Nancy Cuevas Guzman. To my, surprise, it came back J2a1b, wich is a marker for Ashkenazi, Sephardic Jews. [14] Rabbi Adolph Spiegel, was among the serviceman who stayed in Puerto Rico.He led services from 1899 to 1905 in Ponce. A third type of Spanish surname that is found is a surname that is given to someone because of his or her characteristics. del Estero. THis seems logical because a study done years back revealed that at least 20% of the Spaniards did showjewish ancestry. Likewise, aLevy is probably descendedfrom the tribe of Levi. into Sephardic families are listed here. Another thing to keep in mind are traditions and customs dealing with things such as food, burial, marriage, etc. Where can find the test? Having read hundreds of articles, following biblical prophesies and documented trade routes one must conclude: Puerto Rico surely had Messianic history (Soujourners)and articles like the passages for trade document this. You need genealogical evidence. When Spain and Portugal approved their "Right of Return Citizenship" laws in 2015 for descendants of the Jews expelled in 1492 from Spain, who converted to Catholicism in the preceding century beginning with the persecutions in 1391, or who were forcibly baptized in 1496 and 1497 by rule of the Portuguese King Manuel I, interest in Sephardic genealogy grew. Only a method to see if one has lineage, whether recently, or 1000s of years ago. The doctors informed me that this condition only happens in Jewish decents. However, Facebook (believe it or not it is a . My family last names are Rodriguez, Ayala, Rivera, Alvarado, Ramos, Soto,Ramos, Medina, and Jiminez. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Sefarad en Puerto Rico 234 members About us Overview Background Goals History tells us that Puerto Ricans are largely the descendants of native Tano Indians, Europeans (especially Spaniards), and Africans. Archives Dpartementales de la Guadeloupe An Updated Resource! Being jewish requires a lot more. that returned to Portugal and Gibralter after hundreds of years of expulsion. It would be hundreds of years before an open Jewish community was established on the island. So heres a quick background for those who might not know much about these kinds of Jews. Curacao, a Dutch Carribbean island near Venuzuela was a Sephardic Jewish Colony established by The Netherlands during the slave trade. My mothers surname was Rodriguez Santiago, Pineiro. My mother is from the mountainous area of Utuado. Having met with Dr. Ricardo Allegria personally in his home anad discussing the theme the question remains: Why did these people flee Europe ? This Sephardic surname is widespread among Morrocan Jews and other Jews of Meditteranean descent. at a personal level. There were different treatments to those who recently converted, and not in a good way. "[21], Puerto Rico is home to the largest and wealthiest Jewish community in the Caribbean with almost 3,000 Jewish inhabitants. Many puerto ricans also carry a star of David. Hello, My mother is Rodriguez Torres, My grandmother's name was Del Valle Torres, my grandfather's name was Rodriguez Torres. Like many other residents of Puerto Rico at the time, he resented the political injustices practiced by Spain on the island. I do not know who my father is so I don't know what to do. Sometimes, a surname can be traced to a converso with so much frequency that one should not overlook the probability of that surname stemming from Jewish lineage. Now i'm interested in learning more. Tel: 787-721-6333 (School administration office) Tel: 787-723-3017 (Visiting Rabbi's study room) Fax: 787-722-6243. There are lists of claimed Sephardic surnames that include all 100 of the 100 most common surnames in Portugal today, and 99 of the 100 most common surnames in Spain. involved with the inquisition. Found 3 potential Majorcan Jew surnames (Sanchez, Acevedo and Chacon) in a DNA group project from Puerto Rico. How can I find out if my maternal side is connected to Jewish ancestors?Please let me know! Any information about the Medina's would be much appreciated, email amandarojas02@gmail.com. Dissertation of Michelle M. Terrill, The Historical Archaeology of the 17th Probe of the original document. If your family comes from the area served Various Jewish communities around the world have naming traditions. judia o judeoconversa. We are thankful for them, yet, that doesn't mean were native americans or spaniards. Contact me. His name was Arturo Quinones Levy. I have always thought that that Puerto Rican custom comes from settlers that were descendants of converted jews. I got information about that the Pi surname was registered as Jewish in the Baleares Islands on 1391.I will appreciate very much additional information concerning this. (22c) indicates those names that are identified as converso names in the To those searching best of luck and hopefully well find our ancestors soon! How about all the other lost tribes dispersed and that have lost their identity all together throughout time. When I look at my brother he looks jewish. By the way our last name is Torres-Alvarado, my mom is Rodriguez, and yes its has Jewish descent..I have my ancestry.com family tree project done and I was very surprised to see that my tribe is Benjamin and part Judah. Yet a bit about the term Jewish which simply means from the tribe of Judah. Very few American Jews settled in Puerto Rico after it was ceded by Spain to the United States under the terms of the 1898 Treaty of Paris, which ended the SpanishAmerican War. attempted to provide the ports of departure of these immigrants. It would be ridiculous for someone to carry a surname that might draw negative attention. A well written story of the converso community of When you really think about this, it makes perfect sense. register of Bethahaim Velho Cemetery, Published by the Jewish Historical The Jewish immigration to Puerto Rico began in the 15th century with the arrival of the anusim (variously called conversos, Crypto-Jews, Secret Jews or marranos) who accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second voyage. On November 30, 2005, the Puerto Rican Jewish community established their first synagogue outside of the Metropolitan San Juan area. By the way I have Vazquez fron Spain that lived in Utuado. Ruth Reyes, "Sephardic Family Names from Puerto Rico", The Casa Shalom Journal, Volume 10, Published by The Institute for Marrano-Anusim Studies, Gan Yavneh, Israel 2008 | This list is compiled from a catalogue the author found on a visit to Puerto Rico in the Museum of San Juan. Click here. My family on my mom's side is Chacon, Acevedo, and Olaverra from aricebo too. My mom is Chacon, Olavarria, Arce, Acevedo. (~), List of (mostly) At least 70 percent cent of the people in Puerto Rico are Hebrews.We are not Jews from Europe. Sangre Judia For my surnames, PAGN-LUGO, are Spaniards, (although Pagn came to Spain and France from Genoa, Italy, I've read), and, my haplogroup is J1c3 or P58. The President of the Puerto Rican Senate, Luis Muoz Marn[16] together with Governor Rexford Tugwell, the last non-Puerto Rican Governor of Puerto Rico appointed by an American president, helped advance legislation geared towards agricultural reform, economic recovery and industrialization. Hello, Forgive me for replying in English. I suspect most surnames were probably adopted from godparents at the original baptisms, but I dont know. Family hails from Lares and Arecibo. listed here. No wonder I get up at 2am or 3 am to pray to Yahweh, Jeshua. from the Jewish Historical Society of England. contains tombstone inscriptions and dates of death from 1663-1880. I have been traveling in Asia. I understand that the B1b..Haplogroup is the standard for Puerto Ricans. I found out that in Majorca, Spain there were Jews that had migrated to Puerto Rico during the Diaspora. Pls respond to my email is "arvedajael@yahoo.com". Sometimes they adopted their Old Christian godparents surname, and sometimes probably a surname was chosen for other reasons. I found this article and it's interesting because first, my mom is from Caguas, she looks polish. Eastern Sephardim still often carry common Spanish surnames, as well as other specifically Sephardic surnames from 15th century Spain with Arabic or Hebrew language origins (such as Azoulay, Abulafia, Abravanel) which have since disappeared from Spain when those that stayed behind as conversos adopted surnames that were solely Spanish in origin. Hello,My name is Nancy Cuevas Guzman and my parents were born in Lares, Puerto Rico. My parents raised me in the respect of God ever since I was born. the bible say we will all be reunited i believe this. please send me a message, Shalom, My Name is Raquel Torres Ortiz can anybody help me find more info as of my lastname. So i'm just curious, as i say i'm not the only Jimenez who is, if i may have some Jewish blood in me. [5] Hundreds of Jews were killed, and their synagogues destroyed. THIS SITE ARE TAKEN FROM THE FOLLOWING REFERENCES. I started to fill out the paper from NefeshB Nefesh and the Jewish Agency for Israel to make Aliyah, but they ask for proof of Judaism. most of my family on my moms side started converting a couple of years ago. The image of the original document from which information was obtained is inserted into the certificate. Someone called Sarah Mendoza in 18th Century London will probably have been Jewish. SECTION Vl, Heraldry. which a coat of arms, crest.or history has been found and will be published in I have met two men from Puerto Rico with the last name Arroyo who have solid evidence that their Arroyo ancestors were Sephardic Jews.If you have the last name Arroyo in your Father's bloodline and want to learn more about this possibility in your family I encourage you to join the THE ARROYO SURNAME Y-DNA PROJECT Project Background: Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Pages in category "Sephardic surnames" The following 83 pages are in this category, out of 83 total. Its not about historical studies or anthropological, socio-cultural observations subjected to minor or broad interpretations, but these documents from primary sources of investigation and history archives, augmenting the validity and strength of the file we deposit. Sephardim from Curacao. In this way they proved to their christian neighbors, that they really have truly converted, because they were eating a prohibited meat in the Jewish religion, in the day celebrated as the birth of Christ. I am from Orocovis. All of her siblings have very indeginious features. The synagogue, which is located in the City of Mayagez in the island's west coast, is called "Centro Hasidico Puertorriqueno Toiras Jesed". (Israel Kopel, president of Almacenes Pitusa) (Top 10 Business Leaders of Puerto Rico: 1991), "Eisa Davis and Quiara Alegria Hudes finalists for 2007 Pulitzer Prize", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=History_of_the_Jews_in_Puerto_Rico&oldid=1150547721, This page was last edited on 18 April 2023, at 19:36. My answer to both Jewish and Puerto Rican people is Well, why not. [20][bettersourceneeded], Abe Fortas, who was an associate judge for the United States Supreme Court, and the son of Orthodox Jews, was a friend of Luis Muoz Marin and frequented Puerto Rico often during Roosevelt's, Kennedy's, and Lyndon B. Johnson's administrations. You will be able to see for yourself when I get this posting problem on the website resolved tomorrow.Nancy Cuevas Guzmangenesischapter32@yahoo.com, Nancy,If your brother is Gilbert Cuevas, then he is also a match to me - 2nd-3rd cousin.Carmen Gonzalez. My mother's side of the family is from Juncos, P.R. Temple Beth Shalom, Puerto Rico. My family is also Quinones Levy from Lares and my two aunts married two brother named Colon from Lares, so my cousins are Colon. I do however question the omission of other surnames in the past as Xuete, for example in the late 1300s to mid 1400s in Mallorca. Mis apellidos son Santiago Oporto, tengo un 60% espanol, italiano y portugues. Hi Nancy,I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience in Israel. (~), Sephardic names The ONLY comprehensive book for Sephardic Genealogy. As a result of the program, many Jews migrated to the city of Ponce located in the southern region of the island and worked in the agricultural industry. Images of the documents where we found evidence of your surname in the area. This list is compiled from a catalogue the author found on a visit to Puerto Rico in the Museum of San Juan. He did the dna test and sure enough found out he was Jewish. Do not compare us with the Jews of Europe because we are not. Which is which for the Mallorcan-Jewish? On September 23, 1868, Brugman and his son participated in the short-lived revolt against Spanish rule known as El "Grito de Lares" (English: Cry of Lares). Surely most of our results would show to be positive. I find this forum really interesting, seeing where my Puerto Rican ancestry is originally from would be amazing. otras fuentes que indican claramente que la persona portadora del apellido es name of parents, age, and location of domicile are also included. of many Sephardic families in Spain, England and The Netherlands. Several people in my group match you as well and we are all discussing possible Jewish ancestry. Nowhere in the bible today does it say that you're going to heaven when you die, we just conclude it Found your statement concerning Dr. Allegria's claim that a people arrived in Puerto Rico's mountains prior to Christoper Columbus discovery of the new world and the Caribbean islands very interesting. About 20 years ago God did something in my heart, that I referred to as Him giving me a Jewish heart, but He referred to as a heart of covenant. [9], The Reform congregation utilizes the English, Spanish, and Hebrew languages in their teachings, the Conservative congregation also uses English, Hebrew and Spanish. So sorry I did not check these posts again. I wonder why nobody here does the same dna exercise to test for african blood. Now well explain the origin of our list. Ruth Reyes, "Sephardic Family Names from Puerto Rico", The Casa Shalom Journal, Volume 10, Published by The Institute for Marrano-Anusim Studies, Gan Yavneh, Israel 2008. Paleography is the technique to read ancient scriptures. I have no idea how this all fits together, but I will continue to search until I find my missing family. Aside all the different processes of assimilation, persecution, etc., against the Sephardic minority, the result of our work is not supported by subsequent studies or misinterpretations. Sefaradi De Sobrenomes (Dictionary of Sephardic Surnames): This reference Thank you. Ive been also told that I look Jewish. I still have a lot of reading to do to make sure I am aware of these origins without falsely associating names or traditions to Sephardic Jews. Also, remember that surnames were not fixed and could change from generation to generation. You need genealogical evidence. from village Rucandio, Burgos, Castilla y Len, Spain; entanglement of leaves. Searching for the Sephardic history in Puerto Rico By genealogy.com user October 25, 2001 at 06:24:56. Look forward to hearing from you.Carmen Gonzalez, Dear Seham Lewis,I did my brother's DNA and received the following letters from Family Tree DNA:Hello GilbertI've noticed that we have a posting problem and some of your markers didn't post. and letters enclosed in parenthesis such as (2) (6A) (9) (29). I was born with a strange blood condition. from the magazine ETSI. An open Jewish community did not flourish in the colony because Judaism was prohibited by the Spanish Inquisition. This list we are providing does not mean its definitive, all the surnames were clearly represented in the Sephardic community in those centuries, but simply we have no evidence yet of the inclusion of the names for various reasons (disappearance of documents, natural catastrophes, restricted access, etc.) She also told us about her family coming from the Canary Islands. The Spanish Crown issued the Royal Decree of Graces (Real Cdula de Gracias) which was originated August 10, 1815, with the intention of attracting European settlers who were not of Spanish origin to the islands. Her mother was white, but her father was Arabian-Jewish. I have learned that my grandmother (Aurelia) was Jewish, but kept this hidden from everyone. In fact, I am sorry to say that I was even beaten and abused by Orthodox Jews. Thank you so much for your work. Yet it also infers you may not be from Jewish ancestry but may have an ancestry from the House of Israel. Sixto it was not Jaume. My yahoo group is https://groups.yahoo.com/group/PRGENEALOGY-NW. Ferra I Martorell. Tracing the Tribe is a blog about Jewish genealogy - All the developments, tools and resources you'll need to peer more closely into your family tree. Notable Puerto Rican Jews: David Blaine, Freddie Prinze, Freddie Prinze Jr., Nina Tassler While they have somewhat backtracked over recent years, I suspect that many or most of their followers were originally drawn in from researching their surname online and reading that it is Jewish. cannot find the name in this list, I recommend to attach a prefix and look for If not, Im learning along the way as well! And would love to find out more about the Jews of Mayaguez,Puerto Rico. Among the Puerto Rican Jews who lived in Puerto Rico in the 19th century was Mathias Brugman. This also leads me to next consideration names! If you only have the certificate of Sephardic origin of your surnames, that does not guarantee to be sufficient all the documentation needed for you to submit your file, in order to obtain the Spanish nationality. (31/volume number/issue number) In July 2003, members and friends of Temple Beth Shalom published "What's Cooking/ Que se Cocina en Puerto Rico", a Spanish/English cookbook which includes Jewish recipes and Jewish holidays.[33]. [17], In 1952, Puerto Rico achieved U.S. commonwealth status and officially became the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Spanish: "Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico"). mi email es rpfuster@gmail.com. Abensur. We came from canary islands, too.But our last name is not on the list of sephardic last names. In Spain and Portugal there seems to be a myth that Jews adopted surnames from trees and fruit. I do have a gutt feeling. A set of dictionaries of Sephardic surnames was used in order to check the existence of the name as well as the spelling of its root. Jewish. extracted from the book, Finding Our Fathers, by Dan Rottenberg. One of the consequences of these disturbances was the mass forced conversion of Jews. Liebman. My mother is from Arecibo PR and her last names are Gonzalez Chacon and my dad is from San Sebastian and his last names are Quiles Vega. I'm 'Catholic' though i prefer the term religiously flexible. This book Only those names recognizable and labeled as Jewish or converso are Keeping this cookie enabled helps us to improve our website. (~), From the book, correspond to the references listed below where the names were found. Dr. Ricardo Allegria's writings identify a group of people that fled Europe (about 2000 people) years before Christopher Columbus arrived (about 400 years) who lived in the mountains of Puerto Rico. Very interesting the mention of Utuado. My family comes from Spain and have been in Puerto Rico for many, many, many, years Surname Delvalle on my Father's side. The authors have ), AIRPORT DETENTION: +34 910 299 436 OFFICE: +34 918 272 222, List of Sephardic surnames with certificate of origin, https://tolentinoabogados.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/tolentino-logo-1.png, Trminos legales y condiciones de contratacin. My ancestors were from Barcelona. Click here to review our services, or contact us : : 03-3724722 055-9781688 office@lawoffice.org.il The names are extracted from the research of an Austalian, Ms. Salom, Benezra: A patronymic name meaning 'son of the helper' in Hebrew and a popular name among Spanish Jews. Die Sefarden in Hamburg (The Sephardim in Hamburg [Germany]) by Michael Hi, Nancy,You are a match on my FTDNA FamilyFinder autosomal DNA test (4th cousin). It can help ask questions that so many of us have. Jimenez is a Sepharic Jewish namegoogle jimenez Sepharic catholic Hi,My name is Luis and Im Puerto Rican, I had my Y DNA tested with Family DNA and its confirm that my Y halpogroup is J1E-P58, which is consider a semitic marker and is very common in the Arabain Penisula , and Ive also found that its a marker for High Priest Aaron Jews. The surname Serrano has been identified by the Holy Office of the Catholic Church of Spain, and other sources as a Sephardic (Jewish) name.If you are interested in researching this aspect of the Serrano family line, you are invited to visit Sephardim.com, located at http://www.sephardim.com http://www.sephardim.com No replies. We do not carry the last name because the male descendency choose the last name Maldonado instead of Vazquez. I would like you to join our yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PRGENEALOGY-NW which concentrates on genealogy in northwest PR, especially San Sebastian and Lares. The crypto-Judaism / bnei anusim movement latched on early to Sephardic surnames. (~), Sephardic names Doing further research. Now, since this only refers to my paternal line and I still yet to have a relative of my dad to get tested to see the maternal lineage. email address is Abshl@powerup.com.au. I found this interesting though lofty as no website documenting Sephardic surnames (and there are quite a few) list Sepharad as a surname. [20] Puerto Rico is the only Caribbean island in which the Conservative, Reform and Orthodox Jewish movements are represented. Would love more info. What are common Puerto Rican last names? We were always told that the Jaume last name was a very rare name & all were closely related. list are the names of the relatives of the victims. be purchased form Seaview Press. (~), From Vol. The certificate consists of a document containing the following information: How to obtain the spanish citizenship for being a Sephardic jew descendant?

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sephardic surnames puerto rico