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Fred admits to Serena in season 3 episode 11 of The Handmaid's Tale that he knows he is the reason the two cannot have a baby, and the two sleep together.Who Because of this, it was always hinted that Serena could possibly conceive a child while her husband Commander Fred Waterford (Joseph Fiennes) was sterile. A DNA test proves Fred is, indeed, the biological father of Serena's child. The latest episode of the Hulu drama saw the Waterfords embark on a road trip to bring the Nichole back after FredWaterfords(played by Joseph Fiennes) plans to get her back through political means were exposed. She has just been so hurt and burned by him so many times. So heres what the showrunner revealed about the storyline and what to expect as the Hulu series moves forward. Ever since Tuello, a representative for the U.S. government-in-exile, met Serena in that Toronto bar in season 2, they've been flirting with the idea of an agreement. It does not store any personal data. The Handmaids Tale season 3: Fred was arrested for war crimes as the pair tried to get Nichole. Pregnancy can be determined as early as 14 weeks, and a bump usually begins to develop by week 16 of a pregnancy. While unlikely, this theory does have some merit, as it has previously been alluded to that Fred is unable to conceive children - hence June being impregnated by Nick Blaine (Max Minghella). No, the woman on the floor is the very NOT pregnant wife of the husband Janine was forced to have sex with. The Handmaids Tale showrunner also proposed a few theories about Fred and Serenas situation. Congratulations.. Wittenberg is a nationally ranked liberal arts institution with a particular strength in the sciences. She overthrew the government. But it's likely Fred is the father of Serena's baby. The talk saw Fred sound almost envious of Serenas power as he claimed that had they stuck to their path, he would have been the man behind the woman.. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". It has never been proven that Serena cheated during tennis or that calls that were made and then taken back had anything to do with a move she made intentionally. I don't know what they're doing next season, but in my mind, I can definitely see that happening. In Touch can exclusively . Theres so much happening, because she gets to play with Nichole and have time with her, and it's supposed to be a joyous moment, but it's so anti-climatic for her because it's Moira. A small surgery could give her a child of her own. Serena, even when performing Gilead womanhood flawlessly, will always remind Fred of his perceived inadequacy, so he seeks erotic satisfaction elsewhere. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! Serena Joy's transformation began with the birth of Nichole back towards the end of Season 2. No, if Serena went on to be this famous writer, he would have resented her power. Copyright 2023 Endgame360 Inc. All Rights Reserved. Related: Handmaid's Tale: Everything Season 6 Needs To Do To Set Up The Testaments. They drive up north to meet him. "Commander Waterford, you have now crossed into Canada. Well, it didnt take long for her to cut the head off that snake. When the sex tape is released to a crowd of shocked teenagers at Cotillion, it would make sense for Dan to cut Serena out of his life completely. Theres a particular moment in Love Is Blind season 4 that indicates that things might be different this time around tha, This story includes spoilers for Hulus UnPrisoned Season 1. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, showrunner Bruce Miller explained why Fred and Serena were finally able to conceive. 'It is entirely normal for a . The whole time hes being arrested, Fred insists they leave Serena Joy alone and that she did nothing wrong. Serena also seems pressed. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Though we may have to wait for next season to see Serena's response to the news, Strahovski doesn't hide her surprise over the finale. I think it's in the details of how much does she find out. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Regardless, Fred's arrest is a glimmer of hope for everyone fighting to take down Gilead. She is the Wife of Commander Fred Waterford who is using June Osborne as . According to actress Yvonne Strahovski, who plays Serena Joy, it was a long time coming. There are obviously so many avenues to explore, but I feel like that's such an obvious one that they would never choose to do that. That instinct feels appropriate, given how this season played out. A guide to the hidden references in this buzzy anthologys new episodes, from first-season callbacks to what, Scene Stealer: The True Lies of Elisabeth Finch, Part 1, Where to Watch the Biggest 2023 Awards Contenders. I could see her becoming the leader of a political party or something, and gaining a following and gaining a lot of traction. But lets back up to Fred and Serenas talk in the woods. Youre just a fly on the wall, capturin, By this point, were well-acquainted with the controversial hypothesis of Love is Blind: is it possible to fall deeply in love with a total stranger and, Spoilers ahead for episodes 1-5. I had to go out on a limb and refuse to do it, because I felt that even though Fred is who he is, hes human. After four seasons, the series big, bad Commander Fred Waterford (Joseph Fiennes) dies at the hands of June Osborne (Elisabeth Moss), his former handmaid, along with several other women who had been under his tyrannical rule. Fred may be deported to an international court. But knowing the bigger picture, I knew there was satisfaction coming at the end. Sam Jaeger as Mark Tuello and Strahovski. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. WARNING: This article contains spoilers for The Handmaid's Tale, season three, episode 11. But is there another layer viewers arent seeing? The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Serena has not slept with Mark Tuello as of yet. [Laughs.] And then go no, actually, I'm going to craft this plan and go through with it. This week's episode, "Sacrifice," deals with the fallout from that twist, as a furious Fred realizes the depth of Serena's betrayal, and Serena grapples with the reality of life after Gilead. Although this has not been confirmed just yet, the episode does leave a few clues that suggest Serena will not be joining him in the cells. But it's. Vanity Fair may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. It was purely just strategy, at that point. The Waterfords were previously believed to both be infertile. Erica Gonzales is the Senior Culture Editor at ELLE.com, where she oversees coverage on TV, movies, music, books, and more. Handmaid's Tale: Everything Season 6 Needs To Do To Set Up The Testaments, Handmaids Tale S5 Ending Proves It Pulls Off The Hardest Timeline Trick. First, Serena betrayed him, and now he's repaying her. She doesnt smile maniacally or outright say fooled ya! or anything like that, but she and Mark lay out a few hints. Yvonne Strahovski on Serena's Long-Awaited Betrayal of Fred in The Handmaid's Tale, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. In fact, the Ted Lasso star says she would absolutely be okay wo, The Power (And Risks) Of Therapy On Reality TV, Zin Moreno Is Ready to Tell Her Side of the Story, Can Someone Please Get A Licensed Therapist On The Set Of. I think that hits her a lot. That says a lot, and I think the further betrayal just nailed that coffin for Serena. And I think Serena's just trying to use him to get out of the detention center. She knows if June is capable of that when she's enraged, then she's definitely capable of doing something to her baby. It was also previously implied Serena couldnt get pregnant because of a gunshot wound she suffered before the Gilead coup. I do think that there's a huge mourning component to what she's doing. As , EL NORTE is a melodrama divided into three acts. Among Gilead's many illogical laws is the banning of fertility testing, IVF treatment, or even pregnancy tests, so it was never confirmed that either Fred or Serena were infertile. Offred relaxes as they drive away. George Kraychyk. I think she's just starting to craft and envision what this new life might be. At first, she didn't think she needed him, but when she realized that she probably still does need him a little bit, for whatever reason, then she decided on this business transaction kind of relationship with him. As revealed in the season 1 episode A Womans Place, inorganic farming and radioactivity are to blame for declining fertility. Is it actually going to happen this way?' Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. So is this a happy ending for Serena Joy? Fred might say hes willing to move out to the country and leave his commandership behind, but Serena Joy hasnt been asleep these last few months. How long have you been waiting for Serena Joy to turn on Fred Waterford? She sold him out in exchange for her own freedom and the chance to see baby Nichole again. We are arresting you for war crimes and crimes of aggression in violation of international human rights treaties and international law," Tuello, master bamboozler, says. It makes more sense to me to do the more infuriating thinginfuriating to the fansand that she actually finds success outside of the detention center in Canada in the way of politics or becoming some kind of spokeswoman, picking up where she left off pre-Gilead: writing a book, getting a following, becoming the female president of Canada, I don't know. For it to just work out and for them to have an actual loving relationship and for him not to take advantage of his power and Gilead and take it out on her. .css-o05pt{display:block;font-family:Didot,Didot-fallback,Georgia,Times,serif;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:0rem;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-shadow:0 0 0 #000,0 0 0.01em transparent;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-o05pt:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.18581rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;margin-top:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-o05pt{line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-top:0rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}The 35 Best Shows on Hulu, Ashley Park Joins 'Only Murders in the Building', Grace Van Patten on Toxic Love in 'Tell Me Lies', The Ultimate 'Handmaid's Tale' Glossary for S5, Abbott Elementary Season 2 Is Coming Soon, Consider 'Tell Me Lies' Your Next Sexy Binge Watch, 'Atlanta' Season 4 Premieres In September. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. June, then, is a perfect encapsulation, in Fred's eyes, of what he ultimately desires: an intelligent, sexual, controllable woman. Serena offered to testify against her husband in exchange for an immunity deal and visits with baby Nichole. Bittersweet is an understatement for whats happening for her at the end of [Episode 11]. The trip saw Serena Joy (played by Yvonne Strahovski) andFredmake their way to Canada but in a dramatic turn of events, Fred was arrested for war crimes. Fred unknowingly crosses the line into. The thrill of rule-breaking and the blasphemous conversation that followed was what led to the conception the Serena's baby Handmaid's Tale character - not following Gilead's law to the letter, as they had been in the years before. But its likely Fred is the father of Serenas baby. "Fred, just do what they say," she says, watching her husband get put in the back of a car. They dont have sterility; men are not sterile. However, while the arrest took place Serena was lead away in another car, leaving fans to speculate the ambush was plotted by Serena. Yvonne Strahovski as Serena Joy and Joseph Fiennes as Fred Waterford. In an interview with. She's given up on the love, but it's still lingering. In The Handmaids Tale, infertility is linked to another one of Gileads prominent problems: pollution. Reddit-user qlossxier recently suggested Serena could turn her back on Fred whilst coordinating with the US Government official Mark Tuello (Sam Jaeger). To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. If you think Im gonna let you have her and walk free, go start a new life, you are delusional.. The 42 Best Romantic Comedies of All Time, We take stock of the best rom-coms everfrom, Palace Insiders Say Prince William Is Already Furious About Prince Harrys Memoir Leaks, Prince Harry alleges Prince William attacked him over Meghan Markle in a new excerpt from. Now shes pregnant. Then Tuello revealed Serena was pregnant. As for those who wonder why Serena didn't just defect the first time she went up to Canada in Season 3, Strahovski says that was never a possibility. So, imagine Freds surprise when their meet-up with Serenas American contact, Mark Tuello (click here for a refresher on him), turns into an ambush. READ MORE: The Handmaids Tale season 3: One of the Marthas to rebel in plot bombshell? Serena and Fred Waterford had a miracle baby in The Handmaid's Tale but was Fred really the father and, if so, when was Serena's baby conceived? Despite how monstrous Serena has been, she's also a more layered and vulnerable character than Fred. I think a lot of it is genuine. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The theory concluded: At this point she literally has no reason to go back to Gilead because she gained what she had wanted for her entire life.. This is not a work of fiction, reads an eerie message at the beginning of every episode of ne, Minor spoilers ahead. In her view, the entire season has been about Fred trying to make sure Serena believes it won't happen again. Trying hard not to whoop for Serena Joy. But why did Serena sell out Fred on The Handmaid's Tale? The video, posted on Sunday, has over 2.2 million likes and 11.2 million views as of Wednesday, in addition to a slew of horrified and surprised commenters. She genuinely did love him at some point and probably still does, and I think it's so disappointing to her that it didn't work out. However, Serena called him out on this responding he is just saying that in thisplace. It depends on what she finds out. Junes baby Nichole is now in the safe arms of her husband, Luke, in Canada, and, once the Waterfords become aware of that (via a video on television showing Nichole and Luke at a demonstration in Canada), they solicit Junes help to see Nichole one last time. She foolishly thinks they have changed, and she divulges . Little does she know, his corpse is hanging on a wall in No Man's Land, and his severed finger and wedding ring are their way to her in the mail. Get ready. For Serena to have been surprised by the news means she was probably around 12-16 weeks pregnant when she found out in season 4. Earlier this season, Mark Tuello (Sam Jaeger), a representative for the ex-U.S. government based in Canada, gave Serena an emergency phone. The Handmaids Tale has created such a complex and endearing story for on-again-off-again villain Serena Joy (played by Yvonne Strahovski). This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. And I think it's working to some extent, because whatever dynamic they have, I don't think it's going to be over if she gets out. The Handmaid's Tale season 3: Serena Joy could end up having an affair behind Fred's back, The real reason Commander Lawrence and Eleanor can never leave Gilead, The Handmaids Tale season 3: Truth behind Commander Lawrence staying, The Handmaid's Tale season 3: Mark Tuello could be Serena's next love affair, The Handmaid's Tale season 3: Serena and Fred could be destined to split, episode of the show saw June accidentally dropping Commander Lawrence (Bradley Whitford) into a bad situation. In the five years since Gilead was formed, this was the biggest chip in the infrastructure. KJP defends Biden's cheat sheets insists they are 'normal'. He isn't the only one who will. Joseph Fiennes's character, Fred Waterford, has proven to be one of the most horrifying characters of alla man who helped shape a society that enslaves fertile women, and whose authoritarian. She has gone to great lengths to enable her handmaid June (Elizabeth Moss) to get pregnant on her behalf, even forcing her to have sex with Nick (Max Minghella). Juno Temple thinks Keeley Jones would make a pretty good boss. Nichole is not your daughter any more than she is mine, Fred told Serena. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I think she's excited to pick up that pen again and start writing, and be her own architect of her own life now. Shes also given her daughter a different name, Charlotte. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. But that line is one of the best ones in the season: "You're the real gender traitor." Meanwhile, Allen did not post his annual birthday greetings or tributes to Williams. Not because he lets Serena Joy drive (what, does he want her to lose all her fingers? I also was under the impression it was Fred's, because Fred and Serena had that intimate night together, that last night they spent before she handed him over to the Canadian government, unbeknownst to him. Did Serena Joy Set Up Fred on The Handmaid's Tale? After many, many years, you will have some intuition for the physics you studied. June takes Serena and Noah to a Canadian hospital, but Serena is detained for her escape and Noah is fostered out to the Wheelers. Instead, Dan spends that night with her, and the two decide to get back together. In his writing, Alexander covers a wide range of topics, from cutting-edge medical research and technology to environmental science and space exploration. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. But I think they're kind of leaving their options open about exactly how Serena is going to find out, because obviously that's a really huge moment. Serena had been desperate since season one to have a baby as she wasnt able to conceive on her own. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. After four seasons, the series' big, bad Commander Fred Waterford (Joseph Fiennes) dies at the hands of June Osborne (Elisabeth Moss), his former handmaid, along with several other women who had been under his tyrannical rule. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, showrunner Bruce Miller explained why Fred and Serena were finally able to conceive. Serena Williams was given one of the highest penalties in tennis in the US Open final Saturday after the chair umpire accused her of cheating, sparking a heated argument that mired the historic game in controversy. in a postmortem interview following the Season 2 finale, I dont want to see anything that I dont absolutely have to see to understand the plot. And while Serena Joy getting raped certainly may have pushed her over the edge, the series had already given her plenty of reasons to question her loyalty to Gileadwhich means that Fiennes drawing this line was probably a wise decision. As a Handmaid, it was one of Junes duties to conceive for a seemingly infertile Serena. Mark Tuello obviously wants to get information and just set her and Fred up a certain way so that the Canadian government is getting the most out of each of them for whatever they can offer. I love that line, I think it's so dead on and Serena totally gets the meaning of it in the moment. We've spent four years together, and despite the nasty on-screen relationship, he is really truly the nicest guy. According to Strahovski, that was the beginning of the end. In its two seasons so far on Hulu, The Handmaids Tale has become known for its message of resistanceand for its relentless darkness. But the biggest thing that I keep thinking about is, if she finds out that June was the one that orchestrated this, that's terrifying. You need to ask yourself questions and then do problems to answer those questions. The wait only grew more agonizing in Season 2, as Fred became openly abusive to Serena, physically beating her and allowing Gilead to maim her. Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, Aidan Is Back & So Is Che Diaz In The 'And Just Like That' Season 2 Trailer, Here Are The Exact Places The Roys Stayed In Norway On 'Succession', By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. The couple were in different cells and as estranged from one another as they've ever been, but a moment of reconciliation in The Handmaid's Tale season 3 could be the answer. And yes, shes in a holding cell, but its not too bad. READ MORE: The Handmaids Tale season 3: Truth behind Commander Lawrence staying in Gilead revealed? But I also think she's thinking about life after the detention center. Why does commander Waterford call Nick son? Furthermore, it is Serenas contact Mark Tuello (Sam Jaeger) who carries out the arrest and Mark makes it very clear Fred is the target when reading out his rights as Serenas name is never mentioned. .css-o05pt{display:block;font-family:Didot,Didot-fallback,Georgia,Times,serif;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:0rem;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-shadow:0 0 0 #000,0 0 0.01em transparent;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-o05pt:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.18581rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;margin-top:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-o05pt{line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-top:0rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}The 35 Best Shows on Hulu, Ashley Park Joins 'Only Murders in the Building', Grace Van Patten on Toxic Love in 'Tell Me Lies', The Ultimate 'Handmaid's Tale' Glossary for S5, Abbott Elementary Season 2 Is Coming Soon, Consider 'Tell Me Lies' Your Next Sexy Binge Watch, 'Atlanta' Season 4 Premieres In September. In the interview, Moss made it clear that June is in love with Nick, her Gilead lover, over Luke, her husband. However, his wife, Serena Joy Waterford, played by Yvonne Strahovski, is completely unaware of what happened. In the latest episode of Candace Owens's podcast on The Daily Wire, the 35-year-old slammed Steven Crowder for his accusations, which stemmed from January 2023. Ofwarren tells Offred that her Commander is in love with her and that theyre going to run away. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 has been somewhat hamstrung this season in its insistence on keeping June front and center after splitting up the Waterford household. After being asked how Commander Lawrence treated her by a high-ranking commander, June replied: With respect.. Speaking to Rita in The Handmaid's Tale season 4, episode 4, "Milk," Serena credits Gilead's clean air and water for the Serena's baby Handmaid's Tale miracle, claiming it as proof that Gilead's system is correct and God has rewarded her with a child for her efforts. He may have been trying to keep Nick on his side and make him feel as if there was still a close bond between them both. It was Fred who got her arrested, after assuring Tuello that his wife was not innocent or under duress. The Handmaid's Tale season 4 release date, cast, trailer, plot, The Handmaids Tale season 3:Serena was noticeably calmer than Fred at the time of the arrest. Monday, March 13 2023 Breaking News. I think she's been flirting with the idea of freedom in Season 4, and she knows it's close, and she knows that she has a big chance to start this new life in Canada. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, showrunner Bruce Miller explained why Fred and Serena were finally able to conceive. To me, again, the biggest thing is it was June's plan. But there was one scene in Season 2 that Fiennes thought went too farpassionately enough that he refused to do it, making his case in multiple long e-mails. The scene in question? Its like an awful wound in her heart forever now. The adolescent protagonists of the sequence, Enrique and Rosa, are Arturos son and , The payout that goes with the Nobel Prize is worth $1.2 million, and its often split two or three ways. With any luck, more Commanders will fall and Fred will get his due. He also shares personal stories and insights from his own journey as a scientist and researcher. I think shes scoping him out for potential, as someone who could be a useful person in her life. Nonetheless, Serena Joy is more obsessed and determined than ever to get her baby, so she takes June to Nicks house to force them to have sex and give her the baby she so desperately craves. The Handmaids Tale season 3: Serena Joys secret motive exposed? There's so much satisfaction, but also so much loss and devastation. Everything We Know About The Kardashians S3, Heres the True Story Behind Waco: the Aftermath', Everything You Need to Know About The Crown S6, To Be or Not to Be? Lastly, as they wait at their initial meeting spot, Serenas facial expressions dont reflect a woman about to be reunited with her child. You can follow her on Twitter @HSW3K. Ugh. He continues to rattle off charges against Fred: The persecution and torture of civilians, cruel and inhuman treatment, kidnapping, slavery, and rape, among others. And shes developing an ally of sorts in Tuello. If she had the audience would know. She sells her husband down the river and in return gets washed clean of the multitude of sins she willingly, nay, eagerly committed? I mean, God, its just so complicated. Why cant the wives in Gilead have babies? In the penultimate episode, Commander Fred Waterford (Joseph Fiennes), imprisoned by the Canadian government as a war criminal with his newly pregnant wife, Serena (Yvonne Strahovski), decided to flip on Gilead and spill all of the republic's dirty secrets to seek his family's freedom and protect his unborn son. Past seasons of The Handmaid's Tale showed how Gilead was created after a worldwide infertility crisis. I have no idea what they're going to come up with, but to me, the most obvious thing that would be pretty fun to play out would be if Serena did get sent back to Gilead and become a handmaid because she's now a fertile woman, and how she would handle that, especially if it's a particularly abusive situation and it echoes June's journey, or not. ), but because he tells her hed happily give up his place in Gileads succession (aka his position in line for top dog) in favor of moving with her and their baby to the middle of nowhere. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Yeah, thats how I played it. I thought it was so interesting to go through that and test the waters again and see, one last time, if she could go back to him. By the time Fred and Serena Joy arrived in Canada, Fred had already beaten his wife for collaborating with June while he was indisposednot only subverting his authority, but also breaking the law. At least, thats what Fred thinks. They cleaned up; they did everything they could do to make fertility rise. She was obviously ecstatic once baby Holly came along - but likewise she was devastated once the infant was taken away from her. When reality TV hosts talk about the most dramatic season yet, their exclamations are typicall, The first time Kelly Mi Li ever tried therapy, she invited the world to watch. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Well, Gilead works, Miller said. Serena assumed Fred was infertile and orchestrated a sexual encounter between June and Nick. Episode 11, "Liars," finally allowed the couple front and center, as they road-tripped it to Canada, only for fans to discover it was a trap the whole time.

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who did serena cheat on fred with