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why is oxfam successful essay

8 million. It has been able to achieve its mission of reducing the human suffering in countries like Haiti and Philippines that were hit by the natural disasters in the recent times. A UK based organization which was established in the 1942. Suppliers they supply products at commercial level like banking .they supply goods to different branches. On the other hand, Oxfam purpose is to contribute towards poverty reduction in many ways impacting the world along the way. It is easier and very efficient to transfer cash to these nations so that immediate help can be delivered to the people suffering from poverty. Customers want reliable products and at low prices. Within Oxfams structure, they have a scheme where there are more amount of volunteers rather than more managers due to Oxfam being a non-profit organisation where helping out people in need and the society is a more important factor than money being made for Oxfam and therefore Oxfam keeps the costs as low as possible concluding that Oxfam has a flat structure. Its quick and easy! The organization has partnered with the governments to help it operate without any interference. Order custom paper and save your time for priority classes! Roche, Chris. And 105 stores in France managed by wine producer and 44 in Hungary managed by international. One of the main advantages that the organization has had is that it has been open with the finances that it has and the resources they have access to. Print. Dedicated to your worth and value as a human being! Tesco offers best reasonable prices. In such countries, Oxfam has developed the developmental programs that are meant to empower the youths. OXFAM in AMERICA an independent non-profit organization was developed in America in 1970 and fight for independence and shelter. The organization established affiliates in various countries as a way of devolving its operations. send you account related emails. However, some of the rival organizations such as the Red Cross have good reputation in various parts of the world. "The Oxfam Organizations Information." This means that Oxfam can spend more developing less fortunate countries and people that don't have as much as others. It also has specific countries that are defined as the recipients, and most of them are in Africa and other Asian countries. With limited employment opportunities in the country, many youths idle around, causing insecurity in some of the major cities in the country. It is affected by organizations rules, polices and decisions. Objectives Tesco increasing customers by offering buy 1 gets 1 free. However, this does not mean that the donor countries may not need their help. Other nongovernmental organizations such as the Red Cross have worked closely with Oxfam in distribution of relief in cases of emergency. Women in Mozambique lived under the constant fear of their husbands. In some instances, the product may not be the item needed urgently by the target population. Oxfam mainly lies in the third sector as a public limited company due to this organisation not aiming to make profits which is also known as a not for profit organisation that have an objective to do good for society and any surplus made is ploughed back into achieving that goal. And to sale goods online by using website tesco.com and public dealing in good manner to make regular customers and create significance for customers to earn their lifetime reliability. To the partner organizations, Oxfam must remain accountable in terms of releasing the donations received from various countries so that they can be distributed to the intended population. and figure out a title and outline for your paper. Women have been accepted in this society as people who have equal rights as men (Oxfam 82). essay writers. Found a great essay sample but want a unique one? Due to the high success rate of Oxfam, they now have over 90 stores all over the world and over 100,000 employees and volunteers. "The Oxfam Organizations Information." To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay Although Oxfam is a charity organisation and is not owned by any individual, there are staffs that are paid as well as a CEO. Women in this society feel that they have been empowered by the changes brought about by Oxfam and are determined to achieve even greater success in their careers. A Plc company has no limits of share and share capital and there is no limit to the members liability because there is no limitation on members liability. It is a trouble reliever organization which includes 14 countries organization with 3,000 partners in around 100 countries to decrease poverty and injustice .It can be define as an International organization which helps and provide training and financial aid to people in developing countries and disaster areas. Sometimes it may be necessary to use government resources such as vehicles or machines when distributing relief food during cases of emergencies. Women have been empowered and can now make independent decisions about their careers. The organization criticized the move taken by the Syrian government of using biological weapons against its own citizens. Sometimes there is always conflict of interest amongst these organizations. Goodwill is no different. Pressure groups not put up candidates for election, but seeks to influence government policy rules. However, this grim picture for women has changed drastically since Oxfam started its operations in the country. The people who donate to the charity Oxfam are major stakeholders as Oxfam would not be able to be a successful charity without the donations as they are the key to the money that is raised. As a policy researcher, Oxfam has partnered with other institutions and scholars in a research that is focused on finding unique solutions to the problems faced by citizens of the third world country, especially the issue of poverty. In other natural calamities such as the Pakistani floods, the Haiti earthquake of 2010, and the cyclone in India, this organization played a pivotal role in helping the victims get the basic needs such as food and water. The activities of Oxfam have had massive impact on a number of global issues because of its direct engagement with governments and the citizens of various countries. Tesco exist to provide the goods and services that people and earning money and profits from business .it provides jobs for people the Tesco provides daily need products . For example, JD Sports will have the record of al the sales coming in and out of the business and if they recognise any negative ness in their sales they can easily change all the differences. 2020. Perhaps one of the areas that have made this organization to be resented by some of the oppressive regimes around the world is its advocacy for the rule of law, and the need to hold governments accountable in delivering their mandate to citizens in a fair and equitable manner (Lang 98). The main purposes of Oxfam are Promote, assist and manage relationship between the Oxfam international to do help all disasterd people globall.and earning name at international level And removing poverty OXFAM has its committee in different countries which are as under Oxfam GB (Great Britain) .Oxfam Canada.Oxfam America. Oxfams Chief Executive, Danny Sriskandarajah, said: Covid-19 compounded the challenges we were already facing, and we had to close our shops and cancel major fundraising events. The organization also extends its services to veterans who include people who lack the necessary job experience, education, or face challenges in securing employment. It was necessary to find ways of expanding the scope of operations to include other regions around the world that were under eminent danger of starvation. In todays world there are hundreds of thousands of non-profit organizations (NPOs) established at the local, regional, national and international level, and their influence is increasing. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Want to receive an original paper on this topic? Oxfam has also been actively involved in policy research in order to develop reforms that can help in fighting poverty and social injustices in various parts of the world. Additionally the growth of Oxfam influences donors to help and overcome the people suffering by poverty as well as affected by famine, which is the extreme shortage of food, from other parts of the world. Production managers duty is to handle all kind of goods preparation demands and duration when product will get ready for customers and at given time and at exact time and standard. Watkins, Kevin. "The Oxfam Organizations Information." It must prove to the donors that their contributions are handled well without any form of misappropriations. As well as its life-saving responses to humanitarian crises, safeguarding continues to be a priority. As they're a charity based organisation, their aim isn't to make a profit but to make a lot of money which they will then spend on helping people. Development, Education & Awareness majority of the people involved in Oxfams relief and aid programmed are volunteers. Oxfam has a huge responsibility to the donors. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. The organization, ARNOLD, James (2002). In its mission to achieve the set vision, Oxfam works with various partners in over 91 countries in various programs. Three areas of Wisconsin's paper industry, in particular, show increased demand and opportunities for growth. Oxfam is one of the leading nongovernmental organizations that have been focused on fighting poverty, injustice and social sufferings of people around the world. Tesco is a shopping mart where we can purchase our essential things. Specific Tesco wants to make profit its sale. In Oxfams campaigning and advocacy, the Behind the Barcodes campaign led to improvements in working conditions in supermarket supply chains. As the war in Yemen extended into its fifth year, Oxfam continued to provide life-saving aid to some of the most vulnerable communities while also supporting the legal challenge that halted at least temporarily the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia which are fuelling the conflict. According to Watkins (43), most nongovernmental organizations that have sprout up in various parts of the world have individualized missions other than to help people to come out of their suffering. Some of the things they do are: 1) When People need help in an emergency - fast. All work is written to order. However, Oxfam worked with the local community to transform this mentality. Advantages of Oxfam are they dont have to pay tax. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1896045.st, On the other hand another way of thinking about it is - just how bad. Nonprofit Organizations StudyCorgi, 31 Oct. 2020, studycorgi.com/the-oxfam-organizations-information/. Human resources keep hold of good experienced staff and only choose hardworking employees and They deal with the recruitment, employees, planning, , training and paying to employees. If that is true, they will have to brace themselves to hear tales of abuse and mismanagement because disclosure is essential for transparency. This is one of the main problems that Oxfam has been facing due to presence of many rival firms in its areas of operations. average student. It has also been championing for the protection of the environment as the only way of protecting the future generation. The public needs to hear it has unreasonable expectations about what it takes to prioritise safeguarding. Oxfam has to be accountable in its operations to various entities that partner with it in its effort to eradicate poverty, human sufferings, and social injustices. Most of the operations are localized in order to make them locally acceptable. Its main value that defines its operational activities is the indivisibility and universality of human rights as defined by the United Nations. Donate personally money, clothes for removing poverty. Products that customers demand like food, clothes, Home electircs,Sound and vision ,Bed and bath, Furniture and kitchen, Clothing and jewellery, Toys and gift, Baby and toddlers, Garden needs. Developing countries employees make fashionable clothes and brands to exert little power over their employers to give them jobs and getting new products. Congo, Yemen, and Gaze, the Oxfam has been responding to cases of emergency that need their attention in order to protect lives. Oxfam provides employees and volunteers with a diverse, inclusive, and safe work environment. Nonprofit organizations have several functions, and not each one is alike. The international charity organisation has independent associations which consists of 4 organisations working with over 100 countries which includes Germany, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, The Netherlands, Quebec, Spain and the United States, all with the main purpose of not only to help people to campaign for things that include ending unfair trade, encouraging western nations to aid poorer third world countries but mainly helping people effected by natural disasters, struggles with human rights and also providing shelters and donating food and clothes. Tesco first appeared above a shop in Edgware in 1929 and since then the company has grown and developed. As healthcare providers, we need to have open minds and be able to understand all different types of clients. Oxfam is run by a chief executive as well as a chairwoman. Print. International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt needs to work with the charity sector to encourage a culture of transparency and learning. come to a conclusion on how successful it has been in meeting its aims and purpose. and supporting children by educating them and providing food. Water and sanitation. Remember: This essay was written and uploaded by an Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. Issues like rape were considered normal without giving any regard to the torture that the victims undergo when such incidents occur. Least expensive form of ownership to organize. It has developed superior mechanisms of dealing with the problem of political interference in its operations. StudyCorgi. (2020, October 31). However, the net of blame needs to be cast wider . As a multinational charitable organisation, Oxfam has many supporters, nevertheless, they still want to better themselves and help more people. Oxfam expects the coronavirus pandemic, which hit in the final weeks of 2019/20, to have a significant impact on income in 2020/21. Oxfam helped over 11 million people last year with life-saving and life-changing support and received an overall income of 367.4 million, according to its 2019/20 annual report published today. The audited accounts of the firm are published to ensure that any possibility of financial misappropriation is eliminated. One resource that is well known to most communities is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). NGOs looking to tackle this issue have another problem: a public that is highly sceptical of overheads. Supporting survivors and whistleblowers to speak out against abuse and exploitation is vital in order to tackle the problem. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts The management of Oxfam should consider embracing new approaches to managing the nongovernmental organization operating globally. they get ready to help other. The following are some of the works that this organization has been engaged in over the years. In 2019/2020, Oxfam provided emergency aid to 9.6 million people affected by conflict and disaster. Working with local partners, the aid agency helped over 800,000 people in the wake of CycloneIdai, which tore through Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe in March 2019, as well as helping people affected by ongoing humanitarian crises in Yemen and Syria and supporting Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. It has been successful in achieving these objectives in various countries, most notably in Mozambique, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and India. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.io. The understandable furore over sexual abuse in the sector has shown that individual and government donors claim to value NGOs that are accountable. To campaign for a fair-minded world. Registration number: 302620120. Oxfam is trying to pay as much attention at each stakeholder as it can, because the company wants to reach its aims and objectives. Oxfam was first founded in Oxford, Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organisations working in 90 countries worldwide to find solutions to poverty and related injustice around the world. Baker, Andrew. In 2019/20 Oxfam GBs Safeguarding Team investigated 73 cases, reflecting the work done to increase awareness and improve reporting mechanisms so that people feel safe to report concerns, especially in its international programmes. Currently, civilians in Syria need the services of Oxfam and other similar organizations to stay alive. 500+ Words Essay on Success. It can also be define as a global grocery and general merchandising vendor headquartered in UK. Since April, Oxfam has carried out an organisational restructure to ensure it is best placed to deliver these new strategic priorities as well as to provide the cost-savings necessitated by the fall in income and the impact of the pandemic. Each organization has its own structure, and breaks down the different sections of the organization based on that structure to best help the clients. Realistic Tesco is third big company in world. The strategies taken by the management of Oxfam America to meet the objectives of the parent organization may not necessarily be similar to that taken by Oxfam Japan. There was a retrogressive culture in eastern Mozambique that gave men absolute power over their wives as long as they had paid the dowry. A key component of supplying aid and relief to communities is knowing the background of the people you assisting. So both plays important role for customers. The annual journals released by the organization also help the donors to know some of the areas that were given more focus by the organization. The documents showing the audited accounts are always sent to the donors in case they request for it. Tesco is a multinational food chain based in the UK and is the second largest retailer in the world after Wal Mart. But investing in robust whistleblowing and safeguarding procedures doesnt come cheap. During the Philippines Typhoon, Oxfam was one of the organizations that offered support to the victims in form of relief food, tents, medication, and even in the evacuation process. There are even some cases where the recipients of the donations start complaining against these organizations because of the actions of other rival organizations that they felt were unsatisfactory. Currently, this organization is considered as one of the leading advocates for environmental protection all over the world. Oxfam was previously a collection of 17 individual organisations that collaborated in 1995 in order to form a single association. We can see that these two businesses have different forms of ownership and that their business is focused, for example, the goal of apples is to make money compared to Oxfam, which does not care about money so much that we can see that these two factors will have great importance. The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), was told by one of its own officials in 2008 that Roland van Hauwermeiren, the former Oxfam employee at the centre of the Haiti allegations, left another NGO following an investigation into sexual misconduct. Following the publication in June 2019 of the Charity Commission report into Oxfams failings in Haiti, Oxfam focused on delivering an Action Plan agreed with the Commission to improve its safeguarding policies, processes, recruitment and training to ensure that its work is carried out in as safe as environment as possible. The following are some of its specific roles. Tesco is co operating on making of food in industry. Goodwills organizational structure allows them to communicate from people at the top of the organization down to each store level. The organization has clearly defined its operational areas to help it achieve its goals. Tesco meets the need of customers opinions regarding advance, product quality, choice, store facilities and service Tesco is the main profitable investment with progressive return. It is believed that they have a special role in development of civil society. Oxfam America in the United States, Oxfam Australia, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-in-Belgium, Oxfam France, Oxfam Great Britain, Oxfam France, Oxfam Germany, Oxfam Hong Kong, and Oxfam India (Oxfam 21). Comparison. Oxfam works for trade justice, fair trade, education and aid, health, HIV/AIDS, conflict ,campaigning and natural disasters, human rights, and climate change. As a sector, we need a more mature debate about how to encourage a culture of transparency and learning something that has been missing in the rush to vilify Oxfam. The model endorses enterprises which compete in the free market, but eschews profits in favor of social benefits. Values of an organization defines it standards. P What is a stakeholder? education, health. As nurses we need to support our clients and help them in anyway possible to find and seek out treatment. However that doesnt include the people which participate in fundraisers: such as fun runs, festivals, cycling and running events to support the charity. in both organizations stake holder are more important participant because if you dont have too many stake holder and your profitable and non profitable organizations will not succeed in their missions. At the same time, the impact of the pandemic on some of the worlds poorest and most vulnerable people means our work is more vital than ever. 230.9 million. essay and paper samples. Tesco is introducing young talents and sound management of workers and training practices and giving job on merit basis not by personal relations. Customers are the main participant in organization.

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why is oxfam successful essay